Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

Beyond Seen Screen - eine einzigartige Anwendung zum Scannen von Videos


Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sehen sich auf einer Leinwand einen Film an, der auf einer wahren Geschichte basiert und Sie interessieren sich für Details über diese wahren Ereignisse. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sehen sich ein Musikvideo an und möchten wissen, wo der Künstler auf Tour ist und wo Sie Tickets für sein Konzert kaufen können. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie möchten schnell zu dem Rezept gelangen, das der Koch auf Ihrer Lieblings-Kochshow zubereitet. Wenn Sie eine Person sind, die glaubt, dass diese Informationen leicht zugänglich sein sollen, denken Sie wie "Beyond Seen Screen".

Unterhaltung und Information
Einfacher Zugang zu spielbezogenen Inhalten, Bloopers, Interviews, VR / AR-Erfahrung usw. Bereichern Sie Inhalte direkt auf dem zweiten Bildschirm mit Anzeigetafeln, Replays, Umfragen usw.

Laden Sie nahtlos
Produkte und Dienstleistungen aus Video-Content stehen für den direkten Online-Einkauf zur Verfügung.

Entfesseln Sie Kreativität
Erhalte Token-Preise von der Plattform, um Inhalte von hoher Qualität für andere bereitzustellen.

Begeistern Sie Ihr Publikum durch Genehmigungs- und Personalisierungsmarketing, verbessern Sie Ihre Marketing-Effektivität und generieren Sie neue Einnahmequellen.

Wie es funktioniert

Mithilfe der Webanwendung Beyond Screen können Content-Anbieter wie Videoproduktionsfirmen, Marketingagenturen usw. zusätzliche Informationen mit ihren Videoinhalten verknüpfen und diese zusätzliche Informationsebene für Inhaltsbetrachter zugänglich machen. Content-Viewer können die mobile App "Beyond Screen" verwenden, um das Video zu scannen, in dem die Plattform das Video erkennt, und die Zuschauer mit den Informationen versorgen, die Content-Anbieter für sie vorbereitet haben.

Die Plattformplattform "Beyond Seen Screen" wurde entwickelt und in der Cloud bereitgestellt. Die Android-Mobilanwendung und das Administrator- / Kundenportal sind ebenfalls entwickelt und funktionsfähig. Umfangreiche Tests wurden in verschiedenen Umgebungen durchgeführt. Diese Tests haben bewiesen, dass die Technologie für Benutzer in der realen Welt funktioniert. Durch den Test konnte Beyond Screen im April 2017 den technischen Reifegrad 7 (TRL 7) erreichen.


Nov 2016
Die erste funktionale Version der Plattform wird in die Cloud gestellt. Funktionelle Android App entwickelt.
April 2017
Das Niveau der technischen Bereitschaft (TRL) 6 ist erreicht.
Sep 2017
Teilnahme am IBC Startup Forum in Amsterdam.
Nov 2017
Das Niveau der technischen Bereitschaft (TRL) 7 wurde erreicht.
Dezember 2017
Vorbereitung auf ICO beginnt
Q2 2018


Q3 2018
Plattformen sind öffentlich verfügbar, Produktmarketing-Kampagnen.
Q4 2018
Kundenportale, verbesserter sozialer Aspekt der Plattform, besseres Einkaufserlebnis. IOS-App
Q1 2019
, Analytics, Geolocation-basierte Targeting Smartphone-Bildschirm
Q2 2019
als Eingabe
Q3 2019
Personalisierte Interaktionen für Benutzereinstellungen und -eigenschaften, benutzerdefinierte Client-basierte Layouts, verbesserte Bildschirmerkennung.
Q4 2019
Beyond Seen Screen bezieht sich auf Live-Video-Inhalte. TV-Integration
Q1 2020


Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte den folgenden Link:

Webseite: https://ico.beyondseenscreen.com/

Telegramm: https://t.me/BeyondSeenScreen

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeyondSeenScree

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/beyondseenscreen/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Beyond-Seen-Screen-1893202507578882/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/beyondseenscreen/posts/

Autor: (aizkicaumania)
Bitcointalk-Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

Meine ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Impressio - platform investasi Cryptocurrency bagi pengguna untuk berinvestasi dan menumbuhkan uang mereka

Pengenalan ini menjelaskan hal yang paling penting tentang cryptocurrency. Setelah membacanya, Anda akan tahu lebih banyak tentang itu daripada kebanyakan manusia lainnya.
Hari ini, cryptocurrency (Beli Crypto) telah menjadi fenomena di seluruh dunia yang dikenal oleh kebanyakan orang. Meskipun agak aneh dan tidak dipahami oleh kebanyakan orang, bank, pemerintah dan banyak bisnis sadar akan pentingnya.
Di tahun 2016, Anda akan sulit sekali menemukan bank besar, kantor akuntan besar, perusahaan perangkat lunak terkemuka, atau pemerintah yang belum meneliti cryptocurrency, menerbitkan artikel tentang itu, atau meluncurkan proyek. blockchain.
Namun di luar kebisingan dan siaran pers, mayoritas orang - bahkan bankir, konsultan, ilmuwan, dan pengembang - memiliki pengetahuan tentang cryptocurrency yang sangat terbatas. Mereka sering gagal memahami konsep dasar
Hanya sedikit orang yang tahu ini, tetapi cryptocurrency telah muncul sebagai produk sampingan dari penemuan lain. Satoshi Nakamoto, penemu Bitcoin yang tidak diketahui, cryptocurrency pertama dan paling penting, tidak pernah berniat menciptakan mata uang.
Dalam pengumuman Bitcoin pada akhir 2008, Satoshi mengatakan ia mengembangkan "sistem kas elektronik Peer-to-Peer".
Tujuannya adalah menciptakan sesuatu; banyak orang gagal menciptakan sebelum uang digital.
Bagian terpenting dari penemuan Satoshi adalah dia telah menemukan cara untuk membangun sistem perbendaharaan digital yang terdesentralisasi. Pada 1990-an, ada banyak upaya untuk menciptakan uang digital, tetapi semuanya gagal.
Hari ini, saya akan menyajikan platform yang membantu Anda berinvestasi dalam mata uang, IMPRESSIO
Tentang Impressio
 Impressio Estate, Ltd., adalah platform investasi cryptocurrency berbasis di Inggris bagi pengguna di seluruh dunia untuk berinvestasi dan menumbuhkan uang mereka, baik yang dibayar pada waktu atau secara bertahap. Kami menawarkan rencana investasi unik untuk semua jenis investor. Ada banyak orang yang tidak tahu cara berinvestasi di cryptocurrency, atau yang tidak punya waktu dan / atau energi untuk melakukannya. Impressio menangani semua kebutuhan ini untuk mereka, dan melampaui investor mereka.
Impressio saat ini berfokus pada peluang investasi, tetapi bangga memasuki bisnis peminjaman pada tahun 2019. Efisiensi dan transparansi dari blockchain benar-benar belum dimanfaatkan dan Impressio berharap dapat memaksimalkan peluang di investasi dan kredit. Ini memungkinkan Impressio berada dalam posisi yang unik untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari investasi dan pinjaman.
Mengapa Impressio
Untuk pengguna:
 Partisipasi dalam proyek investasi / pinjaman terkemuka
 Akumulasi penghasilan stabil berdasarkan program investasi dengan kemungkinan penarikan harian / per jam
 Transfer setoran cepat dan pemrosesan instan semua permintaan penarikan
 Pendekatan Global untuk Pengembangan Program untuk Mendorong Pengguna Aktif
 Dukungan 24/7 dan solusi cepat untuk setiap pertanyaan yang Anda miliki.
Untuk Pedagang:
Kode unik yang dapat disesuaikan dengan platform online mana pun dengan tingkat perlindungan yang tinggi
Penggunaan pemrosesan pembayaran otomatis - API - dengan komisi rendah
Kemampuan untuk membuat pemukiman bersama dalam cairan cryptocurrency atau token Impressio
Dukungan dan pembaruan perangkat lunak yang konstan oleh pengembang berpengalaman
Tingkat hadiah mitra yang tinggi untuk promosi Impressio lokal dan internasional
Untuk pengembangan bisnis dan keamanan:
Kerjasama yang erat dan saling menguntungkan dengan tim pengembangan Impressio
Kompensasi terjamin untuk mengidentifikasi bug perangkat lunak dan mencari solusi
Peluang untuk pertumbuhan profesional dan perolehan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan di bidang pengembangan web.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjung link di bawah ini :
Penulis : (aizkicaumania)
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133
ETH Saya : 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Kamis, 24 Mei 2018

Payera - is an ecosystem that focuses on easy purchasing and secure payments

What is PAYERA?

PAYERA is a payment platform for buyers and sellers, has high protection, wallets and exchangers. However, access to PAYERA's user wallet will not be available. Buyers and sellers will be able to choose the preferred crypto currency for payments and receipts, other changes in crypt currency or transfer to fiat money. This service will be free for the buyer, the seller will be charged 1% of the total purchase price. You can open an electronic wallet using your fingerprint or contact code


Cryptocurrency is currently one of the most vigorous trades. Digital currencies use public accounting systems to classify transactions that are sent from one person to another. We believe that the future of the current financial system will depend on the development of Blockchain technology and community reaction. The Blockchain can, in our opinion, be used to achieve a positive development of the financial system. For some time, our team has worked intensely on blockchain technology and Cryptocurrencies. We discovered that because of its high volatility and high anonymity, people speculate more about Cryptocurrencies than using coins as currency. That's why the idea of ​​PAYERA appeared to use Cryptocurrencies without worry. We will create a secure multi-function platform that will be easy to use. After developing the initial concept, we obtained - after a brief presentation - interested partners and consultants, so we systematically formed our team. In the process of optimizing our main product down to the smallest detail, something extraordinary has emerged: the all-in-one conept that allows us to operate with even greater flexibility in the market.


Despite the many benefits of blockchain technology and cryptographic transactions, including extreme speed, low fees, and high flexibility, cryptocurrencies are rarely used as payments. Buyers and sellers are uncertain because of variable rates and complicated application. For this reason, companies still use traditional Fiat payment systems related to banks and financial institutions. Buyers want the security that cryptocurrencies transactions provide through secure commerce and - in case of problems - a guaranteed refund of payment. The sellers want to increase their turnover and establish themselves on the crypto scene. That's why PAYERA has set itself the goal of establishing a relationship of trust between the buyer and the seller


PAYERA offers a simple multifunctional solution for crypto users and sellers. We will create a new era in the crypto-payment gateway with PAY- / SHOP- and CARDERA.
BUYERS are protected against criminals because we offer full consumer protection for all transactions made through PAYERA. This protection includes all conventional products as well as services. You also have the option of making internal transactions at no cost.
SELLERS get the perfect solution to enter the cryptographic scene and increase their sales volume. We offer full protection against volatility in the crypto market by offering an optional payment in Fiat or the requested part. PAYERA also has lower fees and a shorter holding period compared to other systems. Sellers also have the ability to make internal transactions at no cost
For Supporters, the PERA will play an important role in the future regarding crypto payments, PERA will not be a speculative game. Our supporter finances a real business model that will be far from pseudospeculations. We are confident that our token will also be established on other platforms.


Our vision is to become the number one encryption company in the world, the place where crypto owners can shop online worry-free. We are also looking to become the first global and universal cryptographic platform.


Our mission is to be the first choice of our customers. The place, where you buy preferably with crypto. We are committed to doing all our actions economically and ecologically.

PAYERA Charity: A percentage of the fees we collect will automatically be deposited in a donation pot, which will be divided equally across continents. After a certain predetermined amount has been collected, our PAYERA Foundation team will fly, regardless of religion or nationality, to any region that needs support. Depending on the local situation, it is planned to build schools and water wells and provide school materials to support the education of children as needed in each locality. As PAYERA user, you will automatically contribute to this charity.

SHOPERA: The user-friendly online shop platform, where merchants and individuals have the opportunity to sell new and used goods. We analyzed the most popular online shopping portals and focused on the most user-friendly features of the vendors. We want to make sure that SHOPERA will be easy to use and that you will enjoy the best user experience possible.

CARDERA: Your crypto-payment card for everyday use, which offers more flexibility. The card is connected to your PAYERA wallet and you have the possibility to make purchases or withdraw money at ATMs as you are used to, except that you use the coins in your PAYERA wallet





For more information please visit the link below:

WEBSITE: https://payera.io/

WITHEPAPER: https://payera.io/WHITEPAPER.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3512743.0

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/payera

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/payeraio

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/payera.io/

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCskheO_9rmI-FMj8uQs_JQw

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/payera.io/

Author: (aizkicaumania)
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

AutoBay - The First Decentralized Platform for Car Sale and Purchase


Autobay is the first ecommerce platform based on the Ethereum blockchain that allows users to sell, buy and auction vehicles using cryptocurrencies as payment method. Each year over 80,000,000 new cars are sold worldwide and only in the US over 100,000 used cars are sold every day, through an outdated, cash-based process. Autobay's vision is to create real value to cryptocurrencies allowing them to act as a financial asset to purchase goods (vehicles in this case) while solving a day to day problems of the car industry, creating a much safer, simpler and secure process . Autobay's main objective is to create the legitimacy of the market by allowing the use of Bitcoins (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Autobay Tokens (ABX) as financial assets to acquire goods (cars, trucks and motorcycles).

Autobay is a decentralized web based business that allows clients to enjoy their vehicles passing by them. Autobay makes a much rearranged, safe experience when purchasing a vehicle, enabling individuals to purchase an auto in only 3 simple and safe advances. Stage one, the individual needs to peruse for the auto they need, utilizing channels that abbreviate their inquiry to particular brand, demonstrate, year, millage, price range and area (span in km).

In very nearly 20 years from 1997 to 2006 the car business of nearly copied its generation, from 54,000,000 units to 94,000,000 units created in one year. The car business chips away at two specialist units, new and utilized vehicles. The expansion in populace around the globe that it is possible to access to a vehicle, either a truckor family vehicle and those individuals that pitch their utilized autos to buy another one. This two gatherings join make an industry of over $ 3 Trillion (US Dollars) a year. To set a case of utilized auto industry in China, which is the biggest car market on the planet 10th of the year, coming to a $ 94 Billon dollar in 2016 and just in the United States in 2017 more than 37 Million utilized autos were sold

AutoBay Safe, Simple and Secure. inappears, he at that point searches for the buyer, he can make a propelled store or the full installment, picking the cryptocurrency he wishes to pay with and by squeezing the "Purchase" catch he createstheSmart Contractin the Ethereum Blockchain that pays for the auto.

Autobay will get straightforwardness the obtaining procedure for the exchange of evidence and the exchange of evidence to monitor the autos history, making a protected, secure and peaceful process


When purchasing a new vehicle at least point at some point must bring FIAT currency in cash, whether from or to the bank or from their home to a dealer that involves a stressful and insecure process. When buying used cars, we realize that the entire industry is based on a cash-only sales policy, creating greater uncertainty during the process. Furthermore, when buying used cars from private sellers, where unknown sellers claim to own the cars they want and make cash transactions in very uncomfortable situations. Risks such as losing money, being robbed, payment with fake notes and lost time are part of the risk involved in cash payments. Over the past 100 years, the process of purchasing vehicles has been the same part, and it's outdated and unsafe. process.


Autobay is a patented e-commerce platform that allows users to publish their products online using the cryptocurrency as a payment method. Theautobay creates a simple simpler and safer experience when buying a vehicle, allowing people to buy a car with just 3 easy and safe steps.

The first step, the person must find the brand, model, year, millage, price range and specific location (radius within km).

The second step, when someone finds the car they want, it's just ordinary that they say I'm interested, that means that they are willing to visit the location where the vehicle is located, to assess the car. By pressing the button I am interested, both parties, the seller and the buyer receive each other's profile information.

The third step, and most importantly, when a person agrees to buy a vehicle does not need a cash payment, the only thing the buyer should do is open the Decentralized Autobay app on their mobile device, enter the "I'm interested" menu , where the list of all cars is interested in the buyer, he then searches for a post in a certain car he wants to buy, and through a wallet embedded in Dapp, he can make an advanced deposit or full payment, choose the cryptocurrency he wants to pay with and pressing the "Buy" button he creates the Intelligent Contract in Ethereum Blockchain paying for cars.

Autobay will also allow Auctions at any given time. Auctions will be a regular feature that will be on the platform every day, but as happens in the event. from around the world will have a chance to buy a car at auction and the offer will be made in crypto currency.

Pre Sale and Crowdsale ABX Token


The Reward Auction is the world's first Cryptocurrency Car Auction. When participating in our Token Sales, you automatically participate in this Auction for the same number of Tokens purchased, it will act as a valuable Bounty Top contributor. The highest token holder will win one of the following cars according to the total number of tokens purchased during Pre and CrowdSale sales, with an estimated value of 1.35% of total token being sold. * A buyer token of 2 to 10 places will also compete to win certain tokens (as seen in the Ranking Table).





For more information please visit the link below:

Website: https://www.autobay.io/

Whitepaper: https://www.autobay.io/whitepaper

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Autobay.io/

Twitter: https: //twitter.com/Autobayio

Author: (aizkicaumania)
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Senin, 21 Mei 2018

WINSTARS - a distributed gaming platform with a gambling resource catalog

Hasil gambar untuk winstars bounty

What is Winstars?
Winstars is a decentralized gaming platform with a catalog of resources for gambling, mainly based on blockchain and smart contracts.

The development of information technology is the most important contribution to the development of online gaming market. With the development of hundreds of internet connections around the world. Millions of players around the world have the opportunity to play in casinos without having to leave their homes.

Winstars demonstrates all this with the help of a reliable blockchain technology. Later, players from all over the world can play without having to leave their homes. Players can play online casinos using Android or PCs connected to the Internet. A very practical use with technological extensions, network speed and priority in-game development.

Winstars create and rely on simple and interesting games designed for everyone, even for beginners with transparent and honestly guaranteed results. The project's goal is to create a truly transparent and honest international gambling operator built on the basis of Ethereum, with the ability to check the history of each bet and play with an exciting partner program and the best opportunity to win in the gaming market.

Problems to be solved now
Game enthusiasts around the world are afraid of potential gambling fraud: Gambling sets the wrong algorithm to win payouts for casino profits or block user accounts. Gambling is legally limited in many countries because of the legitimacy of tax and gambling issues; therefore, the bank reserves the right to block accounts after the number of winnings received, with additional refunds.

The issue of trust and information asymmetry prevents the process of increasing and entering online casinos in international markets. Encouraging authoritarian and authoritarian corporate brands, initially positive and internationally recognized names, requires huge investments to compete with well-known online game operators.

The process of earning money and influencing payments to international customers is also very important for online casinos. In turn, this process is associated with a variety of bureaucracy, fiscal, and transaction costs for the conduct of financial activities. This combination of trends hampers industry development and prevents the expansion of international carriers offering online gaming services. All of these issues do not include the problems faced by players and players. to solve this problem requires a reliable platform that relies on transparent and fair play, like Winstarts.

Winstarts solutions to solve current problems
Winstars is an international online game operator, based on the integration of new IT solutions into online games and Blockchain technology. Winstars offers a unique opportunity to make bets for all game fans, regardless of location and revenue to be received.

The Winstars platform will be based on a decentralized intelligent contract system, responsible for the distribution of fair random numbers and playing cards in casinos and poker rooms, as well as distribution of funds on customer accounts.

Winstars is building a system that will ensure transparency and fairness for all games represented. Thanks to the advantages that will be realized on the Winstars platform, many of the problems in this industry concern the question of trust, access to international markets and the protection of personal data of users. Anyone can become familiar with platform operational activities because it opens access to the public registry with proof of mathematical identity.
Using Blockchain technology in online games creates a completely transparent system. The result of each game or individual number, the next game card job is random and is determined by a multi-factorial random generation model, where the final value is determined based on some data entry indicator.

The WINS icon plays the most important role in working with the platform. Token is a platinum salary unit and will be used to accept rates or registration fees on the gambling table. Through the use of crypto currency in operator systems, every player in the world has the opportunity to bet on transaction costs and minimal bureaucratic costs.

The use of token in the system minimizes the formalization of the bureaucracy, reduces the time to receive funds in commissions and commissions, and ensures high liquidity of funds and the ability to transfer worldwide.

Winstars have great potential to attract international customers. By providing excellent game services, ensuring win-win payouts, Winstars offers gamers worldwide the opportunity to play their favorite games with minimum commissions (Ethereum gas) without worrying about blocking funds

Benefits of Winstars Provide:

  • The total transparency of all transactions and transactions.
  • Multi-level affiliate program, partner payment from jackpot.
  • No further disclosure of the card.
  • 4 ways to help other audiences.
  • Distribution of profits between the token holder and the player

Sales tokens serve two main purposes:

Put WINS in circulation;
Withdraw funds for the development and promotion of the Winstars platform.

In total, 150,000,000 wins will be issued. 103 million tokens will be available for purchase through Sales Token. Distribution will be done using smart contracts, codes that will be published early for public audit. The collected funds will be used to launch the platform, integrate tokens, ads, and marketing.

26% of the medals given to the founders, partners, participants in bonus programs, team members, advisers and the creation of a set of funds. The members, founders and advisory fees will be frozen for a period of from 6 months to 2 years. Most tokens are distributed through a sales token.



For more information please visit the link below:

Author: (aizkicaumania)
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Treon - Plattform als erste Plattform, die Lösungen bietet

Hasil gambar untuk treon bounty

Treon ist ein sicheres und unbegrenztes "neues Utility Token", mit dem Verbraucher weltweit ihre einfache Nutzung von Telekommunikation, Energie und Wasser verwalten und bezahlen können
Ein dezentrales Projekt mit profitablem Wert für potenzielle Investoren oder Investoren ist ein Projekt, das schnell wachsen wird, da die Schwankungen der digitalen Vermögenswerte zu Beginn dieses Jahres deutlich zugenommen haben. Diese Netzwerkdefinition verwendet ein etwas einzigartiges Thema von anderen Blockchain-Plattformen auf der ganzen Welt, mit einem Bilanzwert und einem Anlageprozess, der einen Profit hat, der das Kapital übersteigt, das im modernen Digital Asset Trading benötigt wird. Treon ist eine Blockchain-Plattform, die zum ersten Mal eine einzigartige kreative Idee auf dem Wirtschaftsmarkt der symbolischen Ökonomie einführt, die Sie privat auf einer digitalen Austauschplattform für Vermögenswerte handeln können.

Treon ist eines der Entwicklungsergebnisse der Blockchain-Industrie, das sich gut entwickelt und eine gute Idee ist, basierend auf einem System, das es Investoren ermöglicht, offener mit symbolischen Investitionen umzugehen. Als eine der ersten produzierenden Blockchain-Plattformen möchte das Unternehmen Investoren helfen, sich über die wirtschaftlichen Schwächen zu sorgen, denen viele Menschen auf der ganzen Welt im Konzept der gegenseitigen Hilfe als benutzer-handelbare Investitionen auf dieser registrierten Blockchain-Plattform gegenüberstehen. Einige wichtige Punkte der Treon-Plattform Es geht darum, dass die meisten registrierten Investoren und potenziellen Investoren ihr Geschäft auf der Plattform als Ganzes beginnen werden.

Als Antwort auf die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Treonis-Plattform, eine Einnahmequelle, die einen ausgewogenen Wert von Ökosystemen bietet, die zwischen Käufern und Verkäufern wirtschaftlich rentabel sind. In diesem Fall handelt es sich bei dem Investor um ein wirtschaftliches Konzept, dessen durchschnittlicher Verkaufswert das Einkommen aus Anlagekapital übersteigt, während Token-Umsätze eher an Anleger verteilt werden, die von dieser Plattform profitieren möchten. Die Fähigkeit, sich mit den folgenden Projekten zu verbinden, ist eine große Anstrengung in Tabak- und Token-Projekten, die in der Blockchain-Industrie legal und sicher sind, Handel beginnen und ein ausgewogenes Analysesystem in einer eigenen Taktik und von vielen Investoren verwendeten Ideen betreiben. . hingerichtet. Treon ist eine dezentrale Blockchain-Plattform, die darauf abzielt, Investitionen zu tätigen, die die positive Seite des Fondsmanagements beeinflussen, das in diese Plattform investiert wird. Mit anderen Worten, diese Plattform ist ein Ort für Anleger weltweit.

Treas jetzt zu Beginn des Jahres Krypto-Unternehmen mit bestimmten Eigenschaften, mit viel und hohen Cryptomarkt-Handel, der den Markt dominiert. Treon-Partnerschaft Als eines der großen Unternehmen, das in Zukunft sehr erfolgreich sein wird. Der Handel in der Welt der Kryptowährung entgeht nie dem schwankenden Anstieg des Dollars und dem Münzaustausch, das ist eine natürliche Sache, die von Kryptogeschäften wahrgenommen wird. Darüber hinaus hat das Unternehmen keine kreative Idee, dass das System Investitionen vermeiden kann, natürlich ist dies eine Katastrophe, die mit der Zerstörung des Unternehmens fatal sein kann. Ein dezentraler Investmentfonds auf einer Blockchain-Plattform für Investoren weltweit ist eine effektive Philosophie, die diese Plattform bietet. Mit der Vision und Mission des Konzepts des gegenseitigen Nutzens zwischen dem Projekteigentümer und dem Token-Besitzer. Mit so vielen Märkten in der Welt der Kryptowährung in diesem Jahr, dass Konkurrenten von vielen Unternehmen, die handeln oder handeln, mehr einzigartige Funktionen und Kreativität haben müssen, könnte dies einer der Erfolgspunkte sein, die die Crypto Trading Community erreichen kann.

Diese Firma hat einen Marktwert, der in jeder Börse etwas Besonderes ist. Potenziellen Investoren einen Vorteil zu bieten, ist eines der Dinge, die von Kryptowährungsunternehmen in der Welt in Betracht gezogen werden können, das aber klare und detaillierte Details liefert und gleichzeitig effizient eine Roadmap darstellt, die zeigt, ob das Unternehmen wirklich auf zukünftige Investoren achtet. Wenn Sie nach einem Markt als Devisenhandelszentrum suchen, ist dies die Lösung, die Sie als eine der wichtigsten Optionen des Kryptomarktes basierend auf der Blockchain-Plattform wählen können. Kommt mit der neuesten Technologie aus der Treon Blockchain-Plattform ist einer der Devisenhandel und Kryptowährung Märkte durch die Markt Demokratie, die enorme Vorteile für die Aktionäre Gewinne hat.

Die neue Treon-Handelsplattform basiert auf erfolgreichen Blockchain-Methoden, die den Markt zeigen und die Funktion des Finanzökosystems verändern. Dieses System nutzt seine Plattform als eine Möglichkeit, den Handelsprozess für einige fantastische Asset-Typen zu unterstützen. Zusätzlich verwendet diese Plattform auch bekannte Kryptowährung, die als Token-Handel bekannt ist. Der Entwickler hofft, ein großes Liquiditätsziel zu schaffen, das eine Token-Transaktion eingibt, um dem Token-Inhaber zu helfen. Das Ziel dieser Plattform ist es, mit der Blockchain-Technologie eine führende Position bei der Umwandlung verschiedener finanzieller Vermögenswerte einzunehmen. Sobald Sie sich entscheiden, an dieser Handels-Website teilzunehmen, bin ich sicher, dass Sie weiterhin mit den Erfahrungen und kreativen Ideen des Gründers investieren und Transaktionen oder Transaktionen tätigen können, die sicherlich ein gutes Einkommen bieten und Ihnen persönlich zugute kommen.

Die Zukunft der Treon-Plattform als eine Plattform der ersten Generation, die Lösungen für Probleme mit Investoren bietet, die nicht pünktlich sein können und wann immer Änderungen im Kryptomarkt oder Höhen und Tiefen der Preise in crypto üblich sind, wird diese Plattform von potenziellen Benutzern gesucht, die sind bereit für die automatische Benachrichtigung auf mobilen Geräten, dass sie die Welt ohne die geringste ihrer Aktivitäten verlassen sollen. Sucht nach dem Aufbau von Ökosystemen, die die gegenseitigen Vorteile zwischen Händlern und Benutzern sowie Plattformen, die weiterhin die Stabilität des Vertriebs unterstützen können, konzipieren. Um die Probleme zu lösen, die von den meisten Anlegern häufig angetroffen werden, hat Treon sie gelöst und gleichzeitig intelligente Lösungen mit Plattformen bereitgestellt, die die Leistung und den Zugang zu ihren Konten erleichtern


Q1 2017: Ausgehend von Idee und Planung
Q4 2017: Technische Architektur und Prototyp
Q1 2018: ICO Planung & Vorbereitung
Q4 2018: Anfordern von Token an der Crypto Stock Exchange
Q1 2019: Onboarding Telekommunikationsanbieter
Q4 2019: Vereinbarung mit Telecom-Top-up-Distributor
Q1 2020: Vereinbarung mit dem Zahlungsgateway
Q4 2020: Onboarding Electrical Company
Q1 2021: Smart Contracts für Erdgasunternehmen
Q4 2021: Trinkwasserversorgungsunternehmen
Q1 2022: Start der Telecom-Reseller-Vereinbarung
Q4 2022: Schließen Sie alle Reseller-Vereinbarungen von Versorgungsunternehmen


Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte den folgenden Link:

WEBSEITE: https://www.treon.io/

WHITEPAPER: https://www.treon.io/data/Treon-WhitePaper.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php? topic = 3403731.msg35625366

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TreonNews

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Treon-171801956857915/

TELEGRAMM: https://t.me/TreonOfficial

Autor: (aizkicaumania)
Bitcointalk-Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

Meine ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

Cryptonia - Game Poker Options Using Crypto

Poker is a family of card games that combines gambling, strategy, and skills. All poker variants are tied to betting as an intrinsic part of the game and determine the winner of each hand on the basis of a combination of player cards, at least some of which remain hidden until the end of the hand. The poker game differs in the number of cards handled, in the number of cards shared or in the community, in the number of hidden cards and in gambling procedures.

In most modern poker games, the first betting round that starts with one or more players takes some form of forced betting. In standard poker, every player bets on the basis of ratings they deem worthy of being compared to other players. This action then proceeds clockwise, because each player in turn must match or call the previous maximum or fold bet, lose the bet amount up to that point and all current obligations further. Players matching the bet can also raise or increase the bet. The bet interval ends when all players have called the last bet or folded. If all players except a one-fold in every round, the remaining players collect the pots without being asked to open their hands. If, after the last betting round, more than one player remains in the race, the match will follow where the hand is revealed and the player takes the pot with winning hand.

Cryptonia poker sensation comes along with transparency and cryptocurrency values ​​in the online poker room based on blockchain technology. Players can benefit from the availability of competitive opportunities, discounts and added value offered by our regular business promotions and potential assessments of their Cryptonia in connection with the strong economic development of poker around the currency, the official website http: //www.cryptonia. poker/
An online cryptocurrency poker device and we have actually built and tested it. The founding team has taken money and efforts to ensure the continuity of the platform and make it very transparent.

The advantages of participating poker players, poker-based online blockchain help address various issues related to traditional forms of online poker, because Cryptonia avoids processing delays in processing and other issues. Jamlock technology also helps to generate random numbers, ensuring a fair game.

PRE-ICO: Apr 10, 2018 - Apr 30, 2018
Hard cap: 200.000.000
CPC Price Token: 1 ETH = 11,000 CPC
ICO: May 01, 2018 - July 01, 2018
SoftCap: 15,000,000 USD or 275,000,000 CPC
Hard cap: 45,000,000 USD or 550,000,000
Total CPC Supply: 1,000,000,000
CPC Price Token
Stage 1: 1 ETH = 7,000 CPC
Stage 2: 1 ETH = 5,800 CPC


  • 75% ICO
  • 15% Tournament
  • 5% Exchange
  • 5% Team / Advisor
For more information please visit the link below:

Author: (aizkicaumania)
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

Bitcoin Crown - Is The Digital Trading Token, The Game Developer

What is BitcoinCrown?

Bitcoin Crown is introducing the crypto-backed value and tools for implementing and managing virtual goods. The Bitcoin Crown platform wants to develop a powerful framework for open-source software development kits (SDKs), wallets, game plug-ins, virtual item management apps, and a payment gateway platform.

By using the BTCC Coin, the team wants to promote a culture of passion, collaboration, and pride by giving its players more control over their game content. Players that feel valued, keep coming back, and increase revenue and engagement for publishers and content makers. The BTCC Coin Minted Token wants to create trust and security with minimal transaction fees due to the loss of over 75% of legitimate virtual item purchase which are lost to fraud.

The platform wants to be a decentralized platform which would be used to manage, distribute, and trade on virtual goods. Giving gamers and content creators a new model of virtual ownership. BTCC Coin is the first cryptocurrency with an authentic purpose for online gamers. The users can earn virtual goods in the most popular gaming community creation platform online.

The platform can thus allow gamers to bring or trade their assets from game to game, community to community, growing their digital wallet.

BTCC's millions of highly engaged users socializing and working together to create unique communities, game content, and virtual economies. By providing the tools they need, BTCC empowers these creators to monetize their content. BTCC is uniquely positioned to promote and establish a cryptocurrency


Online gaming is one of the most thriving and stable technology segments, backed by a loyal fan base and the proliferation of mobile technologies, along with the worldwide expansion of high-speed Internet connectivity. The last two factors also affect the development of the digital economy and, in particular, the virtual currency market. Virtual currencies have already absorbed 0.1% of global money transactions worldwide, and that really means a lot.

BTCC is the new era of online gaming

Bitcoin Crown is the digital trading token that provides game developers, content creators, and gaming communities with the crypto-enabled value and tools to implement and manage virtual goods.

You can purchase BTCC through our pre-ICO and ICO release stages or, once the ICO is completed, by exchanging Fiat currency and other crypto currencies via selected exchanges.


Benefits for the community
Benefits for the Community: Gamify your website and mobile community with special BTCC Coins, improve user participation, and prepare forums and walls, auto awards and state-based triggers, recapitulate your community with in-game items on the server or Game .

Benefits for publishers / creators

Publisher / Creators benefits include: Create new tokens to represent virtual currencies, game items, or privileges. Create and manage virtual content programmatically or through apps. Create time-limited or subscription-based virtual goods. , Mint items that can not be exchanged, or special edition items. Set up a virtual goods store. Run a decentralized payment gateway without an intermediary. , Transparent transactions. Prepare the reporting and provisioning system. , No cheating, chargeback or cancellation. , Minimum charge for blockchain transaction and no commission.

Advantages for players

Benefits for players include: Buy and sell merchandise without risk of fraud. , Trading between game items from various games with Bancor for liquidity. Bring your currency into any community or game and keep the value. , A valuable currency and rare items that can never be taken. Use the BTTC market and social networks to find and trade items. Generate BTCC coins to play the game. , Convert custom virtual objects directly into BTCC coins and keep the value.


For every valid purchase of virtual items, 75% of the items are lost due to fraud. The token printed by BTCC Coin creates confidence and security with minimal transaction costs.


Involved millions of players
Millions of BTCC users are determined to socialize and collaborate to create unique communities, game content and virtual economics. By providing the tools they need, BTCC allows these creators to monetize their content.

The value of games and content creation

Sandbox games, like Minecraft, are the most popular online games. By using BTCC Coin, we will promote a culture of passion, collaboration and pride by giving players more control over their game content. Valuable players will keep coming back and increasing the revenue and exposure of publishers and creators.


  • Name: Bitcoin Crown (BTCC)
  • Total supply: 70,000,000 tokens BTCC
  • Total allocation: 50,000,000 BTCC tokens
  • Hard Cap: $ 10,000,000
  • Soft Cap: 2.500.000 USD
  • Currency: ETH

  • 50% development capacity
  • 30% marketing
  • 10% security and right
  • 5% hosting & infrastructure
  • 5% contingency

April 2018 BTCC Token Crowdsale http://www.bitcoincrowncoin.com

Q2 2018

Core Smart Contracts
Platform API
Mobile Smart Wallet (Core Features)
Minecraft plugin
Java SDK
Q3 2018

Unity SDK
Unbridled plugin
Mobile Smart Wallet Updates
PC Smart Wallet
BTCC memory modules
BTCC automations
BTCC Forum Integration
Token Manager
Q4 2018

Unreal development kit
iOS Swift SDK
Android SDK
Trading system for virtual articles
Q1 2019

BTCC Mobile App
Payment Gateway contract
Payment Gateway Framework
Q2 2019

TopList contract and user interface
BTCC Coin Community App

For more information please visit the link below

Author: (aizkicaumania)
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Senin, 14 Mei 2018

GENESIS - для будущего рынка инвестиций в недвижимость

Что такое GENESIS?

Проект GENESIS - это недвижимость, которая была объединена в один фонд, а не только Россия, но и иностранная и имеет множество функций. Он основан на блочных и цифровых технологиях.
Капитал, вложенный в эти средства, используется для покупки различных объектов недвижимости. Он принадлежит GENESIS и формирует его активы, что помогает в создании основы для дальнейшего расширения, рыночная стоимость компании также увеличивается.
GENESIS успешно справляется с реализацией нестандартных и современных решений, гармонично интегрированных в рамки проекта. А также ГЕНЕЗИС может обеспечить доступ к современным и передовым достижениям мировой экономики

О платформах GENESIS.

GENESIS - это международный фонд недвижимости и многофункциональная операционная платформа, созданная на базе Blockchain и Digital Technology. Все инвестированные средства используются для покупки недвижимости, принадлежащей платформе, и создания ее активов, создания основы для будущего развития и повышения рыночной стоимости проекта.

Инновационные решения, реализованные в GENESIS, обеспечивают классическое гармоничное сочетание инвестиционных методов в сфере недвижимости с самыми прогрессивными и современными возможностями достижения цифровой экономики. Простота и удобство инвестирования, исключение посредников, устранение границ и свобода выбора гарантируют стабильность прибыли, высокий уровень надежности и безопасности инвестиций являются основными функциями GENESIS.

Платформа GENESIS представляет собой единую корпоративную структуру, которая включает в себя все основные функции и юридические аспекты классических предприятий и проекты Decentralized Technology, созданные на основе технологии Blockchain. Четкий и информативный пользовательский интерфейс с системой персональной учетной записи предоставит инвесторам всю необходимую информацию об инвестиционных объектах, процентах и ​​платежах, транзакциях, рыночных ставках текущих активов и другой информации.

GENESIS позволит простым и удобным способом инвестировать в традиционные инвестиционные инструменты, такие как недвижимость. В то же время это даст инвесторам доступ к использованию растущей распределенной экономики цифровых возможностей, таких как Blockchain и Cryptocurrency.

Инвестиционная стратегия.

Среднесрочная инвестиционная стратегия ГЕНЕЗИС гарантирует постепенное и экономичное развитие проекта в течение трех лет 2018-2020 гг. Эта стратегия обеспечивает основное направление развития предприятия, формы и методы для достижения указанных среднесрочных целей. Планы развития проекта на период после 2020 года включены в долгосрочную стратегию развития.

Стратегия среднесрочного развития GENESIS основана на определении Основного показателя эффективности (KPI) в качестве основного показателя финансирования, экономики и рынка (маркетинга) деятельности компании.

ИТО из проекта GENESIS

Распределение маркера GES будет осуществляться в несколько этапов в соответствии с инвестиционной стратегией развития проекта. До полного распространения всех токенов, выпущенных среди инвесторов, все нераспределенные токены (токены, которые не были приобретены во время ITO) будут размещены в качестве резервов.

Общая проблема - GES Token.
Оплата будет производиться по адресу:

  • BTC.
  • ВТН.
  • ETH.
  • И Т.П.
  • LTC.
  • XIN.

80% = является инвестором.
18% = Оператор.
2% - Баунти.
Ограниченные проблемы с токеном.
Одновременно выдается токен.

Период ITO: с 1 апреля 2018 года по 15 мая 2018 года.
Мягкий колпачок (минимальный проданный токен) составляет 3 000 000 евро.

Срок покупки маркера: начальная регистрация. | Бонусное значение = 15%.
Срок покупки токена: 1 - 20 апреля 2018. | Бонусное значение = 7,5%.
Срок покупки токена: 21 - 30 апреля 2018. | Бонусное значение = 3,5%.
Срок покупки токена: 01 - 10 мая 2018. | Бонусное значение = 2%.
Период покупки токена: оставшийся период. | Бонус не взимается.

Дорожная карта.

25 января, 2018 год,
Начните предварительную регистрацию!

1 апреля - 15 мая, 2018 год,
Выполнение проекта ITO.

Май 2018 года,
Аккулярный токен в персональном кошельке партнеров.

Май-июль, год 2018,
Оценка. Регистрация недвижимости на имущество.

Июнь 2018 года,
Запуск онлайн-платформы проекта.
Начните работу офиса компании.

Июль 2018 года,
Разработка мобильных приложений для Кабинета частных инвесторов.

Октябрь, 2018 год,
Начисленные и первые выплаты дохода инвесторам.
Запуск EXEX GDEX внутри.

Q4 2018,
Размещение на рынке токенов-пулов GES.
Привлечение стоимости активов компании до 50-60 миллионов евро.
Начиная с первого специального проекта.

Год, 2019,
Вывод маркера GES при обмене Crypto-обменом, выставляемый на маркерный пул GES.
Приведение стоимости активов компании в 100-120 млн. Евро с номинальной стоимостью жетонов ГЭС.

Год, 2020,
Размещение на рынке токенов-пулов GES. Привлечение стоимости активов компании до 250-300 млн. Евро с номинальной стоимостью жетонов GES.

Продвижение видео в проекте GENESIS


Для получения дополнительной информации перейдите по ссылке ниже:

ВЕБ-САЙТ: https://genesisfound.io/

ТЕЛЕГРАММА: https://t.me/genesiscoin_ru


Автор: (aizkicaumania)
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

GUARIUM: платформа электронной коммерции Полная автоматизация в полной технологии дропшиппинг

Что такое Guarium?

Представьте, что вы являетесь владельцем криптовалюты, которую вы можете использовать в тысячах интернет-магазинов по всему миру. Каждый день Guar Coin приобретает все большую ценность, поскольку он был распространен с самого начала в огромной инфраструктуре онлайн-дистрибуции.

Во время официального дебюта Guarium станет сильным активом на рынке, предоставляя отличное решение для индивидуальных инвесторов, стремящихся извлечь выгоду из динамичного роста их стоимости.

Планируемая реализация технологии blockchain

  • Огромная и мощная партнерская система
  • Инфраструктура электронной коммерции
  • экосистемы продаж
  • Глобальный токен и криптовалютность в будущем
  • Частные транзакции
Общая схема системы

Автоматизация электронной коммерции - Полностью автоматизированные онлайн-продажи
Система Используя инновационные решения, производители и оптовики смогут использовать мощь сотен тысяч разрозненных интернет-магазинов, управляемых индивидуальными предпринимателями по всему миру. Решение, подходящее как для существующих, так и для новых рынков.

В каждом из этих магазинов вы можете совершить покупку для Guar Coin, что даст вам значительное преимущество перед другими онлайн-криптовалютами.

Общая система рекомендаций в интернет-магазинах

Мы создали систему, в которой каждый, кто управляет своим интернет-магазином, может рекомендовать продукты из других магазинов. Представьте себе систему из тысяч интернет-магазинов, где постоянный клиент постоянно назначается рефереру. Использование технологии Blockchain позволило нам создать полностью автоматизированную систему управления продуктами и работами. И введение Guar Coin в сеть электронной коммерции сделает покупки намного проще.

Вот ваш шанс

Вы можете покупать маркеры GUAR, прежде чем они будут официально выпущены. Мы очень хорошо знаем, что будущее шоппинга находится в Интернете, и при правильной инфраструктуре автоматизации электронной коммерции, которую мы строим, мы окажет значительное влияние на то, как люди делают покупки в Интернете.
  • 5 млрд. Триллионов долларов - стоимость рынка электронной коммерции в Европе
  • 0,01 значение маркеров GUAR в предпродажной форме
  • 10% жетонов GUAR распространяются на этапе до ICO
  • 35 млн. Долл. США. Миллионные доллары - цель для этапа до ИКО
  • Цена Guar Монета в предварительной продаже 0.01 GUAR
  • Купите более 100 000 маркеров GUAR: 100% БЕСПЛАТНО
Распределение токенов и фондов

Мы признаем, что многие люди участвуют в создании всей системы автоматизации электронной коммерции. С самого начала мы планировали и планировали распространять токены на конкретные группы людей, которые участвуют в проекте внедрения и какие суммы задействованы.

Прежде всего, мы хотели оценить большую роль ранних инвесторов, которые были первыми маркерами GuarCoin для покупки на этапе до ICO. Поэтому, помимо исключительной цены, мы подготовили бонусные токены для вас. Кроме того, для этапа ICO и для инвесторов, покупающих токены на этом этапе, мы предложим их цены немного выше, чем на этапе до ICO.

Единственное различие заключается в том, что цена будет выше и выше, в зависимости от того, на каком этапе мы находимся. На 3-м и 4-м этапах ICO еще 30% токенов будут переданы сообществу и партнерам. Некоторые из токенов покрывают маркетинговые затраты и общее бизнес-планирование. Другая доступна для консультантов всего проекта, последняя часть предназначена для руководителей и сотрудников.



Гжегож Чюпек - Управляющий директор CO-FUNDER

Рафал Гибас - главный технический директор


Przemysław Zakrzewski - CIO, вице-президент по развитию PLATFORM



Алисия Сиуда - финансовый директор

Каролина Иуда - менеджер по бренду


Матеуш Косиек - главный исполнительный директор

Катажина Бутрим - руководитель службы поддержки клиентов

Анна Прыгиэль - Начальник отдела бухгалтерского учета

Веб-сайт: https: //ico.guarium.com/

Техническая документация: https://ico.guarium.com/whitepaper

Телеграмма: https://telegram.me/guarium_group

Автор: (aizkicaumania)
Профиль Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

Мой ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c