Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018

UCIM - Conferência Conjunta Internet Money

O mundo da internet está em constante evolução de uma maneira nunca vista antes. Com tecnologias como blockchain estabelecendo novos padrões com oportunidades ilimitadas, o caminho à frente parece promissor. Na última década, houve um crescimento fenomenal na indústria de criptografia baseada em blockchain com ampla aplicação de abrangência. Oferecendo ecossistemas sem fronteiras e sem atritos, a indústria de criptografia é a meca para inovações e eficiências constantes.
uma dessas eficiências é introduzida pela Fanfare, a primeira rede de comércio social do mundo baseada na revolucionária tecnologia blockchain. Tomando nota das deficiências quintessenciais das indústrias de mídia social e eCommerce predominantes, Fanfare oferece soluções que não são apenas únicas, mas igualmente gratificantes para todos os participantes. Com o setor de comércio social a crescer em impressionantes 34% até 2021, com um potencial de receita estimado de US $ 165,59 bilhões, a Fanfare é a primeira empresa a desvendar o verdadeiro valor do comércio social usando blockchain.
Os influenciadores do consumidor têm o potencial de transformar drasticamente o futuro do comércio social e não há melhor tecnologia do que o blockchain que pode alimentar o mesmo. Reiterando sua visão de uma economia descentralizada, Fanfare entrou em uma parceria estratégica com a Conferência Unida da Internet Money (UCIM), que está pronta para iniciar outra neo-revolução.
A UCIM é uma conferência de blockchain e criptomoeda realizada nos dias 26 e 27 de novembro de 2018 em Cingapura. Com tecnologias futuristas abrindo o caminho para um futuro melhor, estreitando a lacuna entre os domínios físico e digital, a integração contínua do dinheiro da internet para uma economia descentralizada é agora uma realidade que está à espera de se manifestar. A UCIM pretende criar uma plataforma que reúna start-ups, líderes de pensamento, investidores e a mídia para uma exploração combinada do enorme poder e potencial da indústria descentralizada e seu subsequente impacto na economia. Discussões intrigantes, oportunidades de investimento e networking exclusivo para criar parcerias, ideias e sonhos auto-sustentados e duradouros - a UCIM oferece tudo isso.
“A comunidade Fanfare acredita verdadeiramente na descentralização e continuaria a apoiar e promover iniciativas semelhantes da UCIM no futuro, bem como uma parceria de longo prazo. É tudo sobre decodificação e reconhecimento de que eventos como o UCIM são essenciais para unir pessoas com ideias afins que possam discutir, inovar e mostrar ao mundo as oportunidades e benefícios ilimitados do blockchain e de outras tecnologias disruptivas ”, compartilhou o CEO da Fanfare, Vincent Lim. “Recebi um palestrante convidado da conferência e percebi imediatamente o escopo que ele viu, o que levou a essa parceria estratégica”, acrescentou.
Fanfare e UCIM compartilham uma visão comum de tecnologias futuristas que podem ajudar a aproveitar os enormes benefícios de uma economia descentralizada. Esta parceria estratégica é um reflexo de tal visão. Trazer maiores recompensas aos consumidores, deixando o mundo saber sobre o potencial inigualável de um mundo descentralizado, oferecendo oportunidades únicas para startups e organizações mostrarem ideias e conceitos inovadores, permitindo que investidores e empreendedores tenham interações significativas; Estas são apenas algumas das formas em que esta parceria irá redefinir o futuro.
Da visão à realidade
O evento visa satisfazer a crescente curiosidade global, fornecendo as informações certas, opiniões de especialistas e conteúdo relevante em torno de tecnologia futurista com uma abordagem não convencional. 
A conferência UCIM foi projetada para incluir vários eventos e oportunidades que podem ser usados ​​para redes exclusivas, formar parcerias em grupos fechados de profissionais afins e participar de vários eventos. A UCIM fornecerá uma plataforma para construir conexões duradouras, realizando eventos que incluem pitching, cripto trading, prêmios, mesas redondas, redes privadas e depois das festas.
Quem vai participar da UCIM?
Os fãs de blockchain, cryptocurrency, FinTech, AI, ML e outras tecnologias de próxima geração de todo o mundo participarão da UCIM. Com um mix equilibrado de investidores, líderes de pensamento, startups e mídia, este evento será uma plataforma para disseminar o espírito de descentralização e inovação.
  • Investidor 
    Para capacitar startups capazes de promover mudanças no espaço global de negócios com tecnologia futurista
  • A mente do pensador 
    Para equipar os futuros líderes com as melhores práticas e pensamentos inspiradores.
  • mídia 
    Para capturar conferências que abrangem todos os setores e tecnologias que fazem manchetes.
  • Startup 
    Para lançar investidores de alto impacto e formar conexões valiosas com líderes de pensamento e mídia.
Uma dessas eficiências foi introduzida pela Fanfare, a primeira rede de negociação social do mundo baseada na revolucionária tecnologia blockchain. Observando as deficiências clássicas das indústrias usuais de mídia social e comércio eletrônico, a Fanfare oferece soluções que são não apenas únicas, mas igualmente benéficas para todos os participantes. Com a indústria de comércio social a crescer em impressionantes 34% em 2021, com um potencial de receita estimado de US $ 165,59 bilhões, a Fanfare é a primeira empresa a desvendar o verdadeiro valor do comércio social usando blockchain.
Investidores influentes têm o potencial de mudar drasticamente o futuro do comércio social e não há melhor tecnologia do que blockchain que pode mover a mesma coisa. Repetindo a sua visão de uma economia descentralizada, Fanfare estabeleceu uma parceria estratégica com a Conferência Unida da Internet Money (UCIM), que visa iniciar outra neo-revolução.
Sobre a fanfarra
A Fanfare oferece uma plataforma única que é capaz de dar às marcas e proprietários relações próximas e diretas com os fãs, bem como criadores de conteúdo. Um ecossistema que é suportado por moedas universais, eliminando assim a necessidade de intermediários. No processo, a Fanfare concluiu interconexões fragmentadas que eram excessivas na indústria de comércio social existente.
Fanfare e UCIM compartilham uma visão comum de tecnologia futurista que pode ajudar a capitalizar os enormes benefícios de uma economia descentralizada. Esta parceria estratégica é um reflexo de tal visão. Trazendo maiores recompensas para os consumidores, dizendo ao mundo sobre o potencial inigualável de um mundo descentralizado, oferecendo oportunidades únicas para startups e organizações para exibir idéias e conceitos inovadores, permitindo que investidores e empreendedores tenham interações significativas; Estas são apenas algumas das maneiras pelas quais esta parceria irá redefinir o futuro.
A UCIM oferece aos seus parceiros uma combinação de benefícios exclusivos que podem ser ajustados para atender às metas organizacionais. Esse benefício atinge todas as oportunidades de rede, 360 graus e opções de engajamento. Seja você uma startup ou uma empresa, a UCIM oferece a conscientização necessária para a sua marca, juntamente com outras opções atraentes para expandir e lançar projetos.
  • Construir sentimento de marca positivo entre milhares de interessados ​​no espaço criptográfico
  • Atinja as metas de marketing e divulgação de sua organização utilizando a presença da mídia e mídia social da UCIM
  • Envolver-se e interagir com investidores de alto perfil, líderes de pensamento, veteranos da indústria e membros da mídia
Os pacotes existentes também podem ser modificados para atender às necessidades específicas de sua organização.
Nosso orador
A UCIM irá testemunhar alguns dos melhores palestrantes do setor junto com o fundador das extraordinárias empresas blockchain e crypto para impulsionar o progresso mútuo. Quando profissionais ágeis interagem e se relacionam com especialistas de todo o mundo, e estão acostumados com suas opiniões sobre os tópicos mais prementes, é capaz de desencadear a neo-revolução.
David Siegel: CEO do Projeto Pilar
Bruce Porter Jr: CEO da Global Boost
Igor Chugunov: CEO, Créditos
Natan Avidan: CEO da ORCA Alliance
Sonja Prstec: CLO, BITNATION
Olga Feldmeier: CEO da Valor Inteligente
Pavel Salas: CEO, Tokenbox
Manny Fernandez: CEO, DreamFunde
Rana Gujral: Assessor, Investidor
Dmitry Levit: Partner, Cento Ventures
Andriy Zinchuk: CEO, ICOBox
Babu Munagala: CEO, Zebi
Mohit Mamoria: CEO, Authorito Capital
Hailey Hu: Investidor, B Capital Group
Kiren Tanna: CEO da ZEN Rooms
Karthik Iyer: Embaixador, Fundação P2P
David Gowdey: sócio-gerente da Jungle Ventures
Michael Blakey: sócio-gerente da Cocoon Capital
Tushar Aggarwal: Diretor, Lunex Ventures
Darryl Lo: sócio fundador da DYOR Capital
Mark Pui: Partner, Cipher Ventures
Vincent Lim: CEO, Fanfarra
Daniil Morozov: Co-fundador da Nodepower
Anastasija Plotnikova: COO, Global Cannabis Applications Corp
Alex Crompton: MD, Empreendedor First
Vishal Gupta: CEO da Diro Labs
Nikolai Oreshkin: CEO da Elysium Venture Capital
Tuhina Singh: CEO da Propine Capital
Nathan Christian: co-fundador da Malta Blockchain Association
Brian Wee: Parceiro, 8 Capita
Varun Chatterji: Angel Investor
Prashant Kirtane: CEO da Travelstop.com
Mohan Belani: CEO, e27
Nebil Ben Aissa: CEO, investidor da Nexxo & Qpay
Aloysius Wee: Presidente da ASEAN Legal Alliance
Para mais informações, visite o link abaixo:
Website: https://ucim.io/
Telegrama: https://t.me/UCIMIO
Autor: aizkicaumania
Minha ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2018

Coinolix Exchange - A pure cryptocurrency currency exchange platform


In today's market there are two types of exchanges, fiat currency based exchange and pure cryptocurrency based exchange which this article will only focus on pure cryptocurrency exchange.

Coinolix Exchange is a cryptocurrency trading platform. Coinolix Exchange has proven to be one of the most advanced and reliable platforms for crypto currency trading platforms with a high level of security. One of the safest, fastest and most powerful platforms today. It performs, establishes all the basics and relationships to focus on the Coinolix Exchange as a means to open markets for adoption and integration for emerging markets. In addition, all trading fees will be paid using the CLX token.

The trading and investing in crypt currencies, over the past few years have proven that it can be very profitable enterprise which there are various types of crypto-exchange platforms that provide characteristics that are traditionally associated with major world markets. Despite the numerous platforms and even the technologies they apply, these exchange platforms have been able to convincingly answer the issue bothering exchange platform users. The development of technology and the digital ecosystem has evolved the need for emerging cryptography and at the same time there is a lot of thefts in the absence of strong security, architectural issues are there, liquidity, language barrier , poor customer support and banking are hurdles.

The birth of Coinolix Exchange will be proffer solutions to the prevailing crypto exchange listed above. Coinolix platform will employ some techniques, such as two-factor authentication, encryption and backup, Exchange audit, etc. to ensure a concrete security solution. Here at Coinolix Exchange the platform of the issue of poor customer support, language barrier, and every other challenge will be properly dealt with.

A pure cryptocurrency exchange and A fiat pegged cryptocurrency solution

  • Matching Engine
    High number of trade requests can be countered with the adaptable and extensible engine in a matter of moments.
  • Features
    Exchange services indcludes Spot market trading, Margin trading, Futures market trades.
  • Tradable Assets
    Coinolix exchange will support trading pairs in BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, DASH, NEO (ANS), CNC (Coinolix Coin), USDC (USD pegged Coinolix coin)
  • User interface
    We will provide cross-platform Device Coverage on all browser-based trading platform, Android and IOS device platform, PC (Windows, mac, linux) trading platform, REST API.
  • 24/7 Customer support
    support and responsibilities to be distributed within our staff and company in such a way that customer specific problem can be solved by the designated officer for that particular problem.
  • Security
    DDoS attacks protection Exchange audit Two-factor authentication Encryption and Backup

Current Market Players

  • Binance
    Binance has daily Trading volume 225 billion USD approx. it is not regulated and non of the company info on the website. Exchange stopped taking signups in January 2018 due to scaling issues in the website and went down for
    more than 24 hour in February month.
  • Bittrex
    Bittrex has daily trading volume of 500 million USD approx. it is regulated by New York bitcoin licence and registered in USA. Bittrex has also slow customer response and pending tickets scenarios. Bittrex stop taking new customer application from December 2017.
  • Poloniex
    Poloniex has daily trading volume of 140 million USD approx. it is registered and regulated in Boston, MA , USA. This exchange provides exchange, margin, and lending facilities to users and margin trading sometimes end up in over trading and forced liquidation, when all or part of your positions are closed.This exchange has also a reputation of slow customer response
  • Bitfinex
    Bitfinex has daily trading volume of 180 billion USD approx. it is registered and non-regulated exchange based in Hong kong. Bitfinex is also a hack victim in 2016 resulting 75 million loss of fund of its users and currently under investigation by USA government.
Features :
  • Spot market trading
  • Margin trading
  • Futures market trades
Tradable Assets :
Coinolix exchange will support trading pairs in the following coins.
  • BTC
  • ETH
  • XRP
  • NEO (ANS)
  • LTC
  • DASH
  • CLX (Coinolix Coin)
  • USDC (USD pegged Coinolix coin)

Benefit for Token Sale participant

Token holders can use CLX token to pay almost all type of fees including, trading fee, withdrawal fee, listing fees. CLX token holders benefits from buy back and burn program that reduces total supply of the tokens.

Coinolix Token

  • Token name : Coinolix Token
  • Token Symbol : CLX
  • Platform : Ethereum Blockchain
  • Token type : ERC-20
  • Total supply : 1 Billion CLX
  • Acceptable currencies : BTC, ETH
  • Exchange Listing Symbol : CLX
  • Country of incorporation : Estonia
  • Token Rate : 1 CLX = 0.20 USD
  • Pre-Sale supply : 100 Million CLX
  • Start Date : 8 Oct 2018
  • End Date : 7 Nov 2018
  • Minimum Purchase : 500 USD
  • Acceptable currencies : BTC, ETH, LTC
  • Bonus : 20%
Token distribution
  • Angel Investor : 1.5 Million CLX Token
  • Pre-Sale : 100 Million CLX Token
  • Crowdsale : 400 Million CLX Token
  • Founders Team : 200 Million CLX Token
  • Advisors Team : 100 Million CLX Token
  • Referral : 30 Million CLX Token
  • Bounty : 20 Million CLX Token




For further information, please visit the link below:

Author: aizkicaumania
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018

BlooCYS - Employs professionals for consulting services using real-time video

What Is BlooCYS?
BlooCYS is a blockchain-based platform that enables users to hire the best professionals for any consultancy services that they might require through using real-time videos. The platform also serves professionals and experts in various fields by providing them with the opportunity to earn additional income in a more flexible working environment.
The decentralized platform seeks to create a model where everyone will be benefit and become part of the virtuous cycle of growth that it will create. Through the model, all users will become economic beneficiaries, which implies that they will use the BlooCYS services more and become advocates for the service.
Using BlooCYS, customers can find experts at their fingertips, while experts can use their skills to earn additional income through freelance opportunities. Built of the new model of decentralisation and tokenisation, BlooCYS’s real-time video capability, user verification and review, comprehensive searchable directory of services by experts, blockchain technology for transparency and smart contracts with underlying token, gives this platform the potential to revolutionise and optimise the way people access, and offer, expert services.
How it works?
if you're involved, you could find out a way to do business. here, customers can play a twin function - provider or patron. All user IDs are properly framed and securely saved in a series. BlooCYS may even verify certificates and professional qualifications. it would be your opinion. CYS is the official currency of all transactions. BlooCYS pockets enables you buy, shop, receive bills and rewards thru CYS.
ICO Details
Token: CYS
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 CYS
Token for Sale: 400,000,000 CYS
PreICO Price: 1 CYS = 0.15 USD
Accepted payment: ETH
Soft cap: 5,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 40,000,000 USD
Token Distribution
For further information, please visit the link below:
Author: aizkicaumania
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133
My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2018

AutoBlock - Stand-Alone Solutions Set to Revolutionize the Automotive Sector

About AutoBlock

AutoBlock and its imaginative way to deal with the safeguarding and transmission of data utilize its own flowcharts and computerized reasoning to make an abysmal conveyance database, from get together components to mileage, upkeep and property history, which causes clients to decide the genuine estimation of the conveyance. Any quantification of data can be amassed from conveyances. Such information is priceless for indemnification agencies, makers and administrations of ventures working in the car division. Understanding this data and abridging it in the synopsis, these prospects will prompt an upset in expenses and upkeep of conveyances. There is at present an alpha adaptation of the information stage and numerous exhibition reports. The stage will have the capacity to 

The Problem
  • Buying Cars With Cryptocurrency
    Finding Car Dealers That Accept Crypto One of the biggest challenges facing Cryptocurrencies is mainstream adoption.
  • Finding Car Dealers That Accept Crypto
    We have etablished that it is almost impossible to find cars for sale online that can be purchased using crypto.
  • Access and Accuracy of Vehicle Data
    The auto industry currently relies on monopolised data and valuation systems that are at best subject to external influences and manipulation [Valuations] and at worst are unavailable in detail to the public [Data].
  • Access to and Accuracy of Vehicle Valuations
    Where vehicle valuations exist in developed and mature markets they are supplied by commercial organisations that almost have a monopoly.
The Auto Block Solutions
  • Buying Cars With Cryptocurrency
    The Autocoin offers a simple and highly efficient transaction alternative that will become the automotive industry standard cryptocurrency. Thanks to its’ ease of use, acceptance, flexibility and transparency, The Autocoin will become the currency of choice by both car dealer and peer-to-peer vehicle transactions. The team behind The Autocoin have realised the potential of introducing cryptocurrency to the automotive industry, and aim to capitalise on the benefits of simplifying vehicle transactions for buyers and sellers.
  • Finding Car Dealers That Accept Cryptocurrency
    Autocoincars.com is a portal offering initially new and used vehicles, performance, prestige and classic cars for sale to buyers wanting to transact using cryptocurrency. Car dealers will be offered the opportunity to list their cars via an automated dedicated stock feed to the portal.
  • Access to and Accuracy of Vehicle Data
    The Auto Block and its’ innovative approach to data storage and delivery uses database of vehicle history, ranging from manufacture details to mileage, service history and ownership, allowing users to accurately determine a vehicle’s true value.
  • Access to and Accuracy of Vehicle Valuations
    Our proprietary solution uses industry driven algorithms to assign values to used vehicles. There is currently no such product or service available in the market, that utilises blockchain as the basis to run and store the valuation data, based on proprietary algorithms.
How does it work
Our Eco-System
At the heart of AutoBlock is our hybrid blockchain technology, utilizing the best of public and private blockchains. This will allow for the seamless transfer of vehicle data using smart contracts which forms the foundation of our fair vehicle valuations platform; purchasing a car through the portal, transferring the funds instantly and cashing out the proceeds in either fiat, crypto or both via our internal exchange.

A total of 400 million automatic calls will be available, of which 220 million (55%) will be available at all stages of the token sale.
  • 1 Autocoin = $ 0.25
  • Private sales: enter date
  • Pre-ICO: enter date
  • Crowdsale: enter date
  • Soft cover: 5000 ETH
  • Hard cover: 40,000 ETH
Token function
  • Soft cover: 5000 ETH
  • Hard cover: 40,000 ETH
Sign of nature
Initially, autocoy will become an ERC-20 marker. As soon as our main network lives, we will replace all ERC-20 ATC markers with ATC tokens on our original Blockchain with a 1: 1 ratio.
Type of token
Autocoin is a security token. Token owners will have the right to get a share of any profits. Dividends will be paid as a ratio of tokens: general tokens.
Number of tokens
Only 400 million tokens were made.
Token Value
The token fee will be 1 ATC = $ 0.25. Ethereum bets will be tied after the start of the sale.
Accepted currency
You can buy Autocoin with Ethereum, Bitcoin, or Litecoin.
  • Trade Connection: 11%
  • Slope; D: 23%
  • Transaction: 10%
  • Marketing: 8%
  • License & amp; Legal information: 7%
  • Audit: 5%
  • Stock Fund: 30%
  • Bounty: 6%
  • Pre & amp; ICO: 55%
  • Team: 15%
  • Save to: 19%
  • Bonus & amp; Award: 6%
  • Season: 5%

For further information, please visit the link below:

Website: https://www.theautoblock.com/

Whitepapper: https://www.theautoblock.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/whitepaper1.6.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4839378

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AutoBlockX/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theautoblockx/

Medium: https://medium.com/@autoblockx

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/autoblock

Telegram: https://t.me/autoblockofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AutoBlockX

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/AutoBlockX

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPiapKulKoBPkDJLxZjv2TQ

Author: aizkicaumania
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1123133

My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c