Senin, 25 Februari 2019

iAM : Instant Access Medical - The point of consensus

What is iAM ?

The iAM integrated platform solves the biggest health problems including insurance fraud, medication compliance, prescription abuse and also the problem of portability of medical data.
With corporate partners, Guardtime, Healthcare Gateway, and DXS, our solutions will be accessible to more than 70% of the UK population. Users can share their records (guaranteed by blockchain) and pay for services with iAM tokens.
Our health economy is governed by smart contracts.
Patients, doctors, insurance, researchers, public health institutions and large pharmacies often have different goals. iAM reconciles conflicting goals and provides win-win results for all participants. We call it a consensus point.

The Problem

Patients want the best health outcomes, the lowest costs outside the pocket, and the ability to manage their health records directly from their cellphones. Patients are very concerned about cyber criminals targeting their medical data. This data is now worth 100x more than a credit card number! They want to guarantee their personal and safe health records.

Doctors and providers want to increase their productivity and income while providing patients with high-quality care and the lowest possible costs.

Insurers want to predict risk, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. This is made possible by risk assessment and handling higher quality claims. All insurance needs are appropriate, up-to-date health information and the desire to significantly reduce health service fraud. Such fraud is currently a $ 260 billion problem worldwide.

The researcher wishes to gain access to anonymized longitudinal personal health data for health analysts.

Partners want to increase influence, attract and retain more customers, and access a wider health market.

AI Analystics have an insatiable thirst for health data.

The solution

iAM makes patient health data actively active by automatically creating unique and personalized care paths specifically for each patient. This application combines multilingual alerts, reminders, and follow-up to guide patients to their best health outcomes. These can all be accessed on the patient's cellphone. Decentralized technology also ensures the safety of each patient's health data.

iAM's personal care records are digital, proactive and can be accessed anywhere in the health care setting.

This saves doctors time, and time is the same as money. Our records utilize the world's best evidence to improve the quality of patient care. Personalized care lines ensure that the oue solution provides the best costumes at the lowest cost. Patient data is stored safely and shared. It can only be accessed and updated with the owner's concentration.

With concentration, insurance companies gain access to comprehensive realtime data through the iAM personal care record platform. All personalized care records are in accordance with evidence-based care centers. Insurers will be able to conduct risk assessments to optimize efficiency and reduce claims handling costs. Decentralization allows secure sharing of unchanged personal health data, which is evidence of fraud and tamper proof.

iAM's personal care record allows research to access patient data that is comprehensive, longitudinal, multilingual, structured, coded and anonymized. Patients also benefit from sharing personal data that is not identified by getting iAM rewards and discounts.

iAM allows partners to temporarily label applications for iAM personal care records and package them with their own solutions. This increases efficiency, reduces costs, brings in new customers, and increases customer loyalty

There is no better health data for AI than complete, comprehensive, longitudinal, multilingual, structured personal care records. IAM's personal care record provides real-time access to the best data AI enemy Analystics.

AI analysts have a thirst that is not satisfied with health data.

iAM makes patient health data active by automatically creating unique individual care pathways that are specific to each patient. This application includes multilingual warnings, reminders and follow-up actions to help patients achieve the best health outcomes. All of this is available on the patient's cellphone. Decentralized technology also guarantees the safety of each patient's data.

IAM's personal data recordings are digital, active, and can be accessed anywhere in the health care setting.

This saves doctors time, and time is the same as money. Our records use the world's best evidence to improve the quality of patient care. Personalized care lines ensure that the oue solution provides the best costumes at the lowest possible cost. Patient data is stored and shared safely. It can be accessed and updated using the owner's concentrate.

With concentration, insurance companies get access to comprehensive real-time data through the iAM personal data registration platform. All personal care records are in accordance with evidence based on evidence. Insurers will be able to conduct risk assessments to optimize efficiency and reduce claims processing costs. Decentralized allows you to safely share unchanged personal health data that is evidence of fraud and evidence of unauthorized access.

iAM Personal Accounting allows you to explore access to patient data that is comprehensive, longitudinal, multilingual, structured, coded, and anonymous. The patient also had the opportunity to share his personal identification data, receive iAM awards and discounts.

iAM allows partners to sign iAM personal hygiene applications and package them with their own solutions. This increases efficiency, reduces costs, attracts new customers and increases customer loyalty

there are a number of better health data for AI in addition to complete, comprehensive, lengthy, multilingual, structured personal accounting. IAM's personal hygiene record provides real-time access to better analysis of AI data

Economy tokens

iAM allows users to control their health data. Users manage their personal health data and share it with doctors, hospitals, health care providers, and other health care providers. iAM gives awards to people who choose to share their anonymous health data with iAM tokens.

Members pay to keep their records safely on our block, share with health professionals and record their records using IoT devices.

Members pay for medical services using iAM tokens. These transactions create a significant iAM health economy

Token Details

Name : Instant Access Medical
Symbol : IAM
Price : 0.40 USD
Token Supply : 500,000,000
Token Type : ERC20 Utility Token
Rate : 1 IAM = 0.40 USD

PRE-ICO Start Date : 24 / September / 2018
PRE-ICO END Date : 25 / October / 2018
ICO Start Date ICO : 25 / October / 2018
ICO End Date ICO : 31 / December / 2018

During pre-ICO : 0 – 40 000 000 IAM -> 80% discount, price : 1 IAM = 0.08 USD
During ICO Stage 1 : 25,000,000 iAM -> 60% discount 1 IAM = 0.16 USD
During ICO Stage 2 : 25,000,000 iAM -> 40% discount 1 IAM = 0.24 USD
During ICO Stage 3 : 25,000,000 iAM -> 20% discount 1 IAM = 0.32 USD
During ICO Stage 4 : 25,000,000 iAM -> 0% discount 1 IAM = 0.4 0USD

Token Distribution

50% Sales to Purchasers in Token Sale
38% iAM Reserve
8% Team & Founders
2% Community Engagement
2% Bounty Campaign
75% Delivery of health Services ($26M)
25% Platform Development & Launch Expenses ($9M)


For more information please visit the link below:

Author: aizkicaumania
Bitcointalk profile:;u=1123133

My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Moozicore - The First Music Streaming Service Using Blockchain Technology

Image result for bounty Moozicore
What is Moozicore Music Streaming Blockchain?
Moozicore is a new music platform that allows users to more control the music they are listening to. A higher level of control ensures that users actually listen to the various channels from which they use. So that users can more influence the music they heard, Moozicore establishes connections and contracts with owners of music businesses. While the platform is not yet available, it should be ready for use by the end of 2018. At the same time, people can stay abreast of the development of the platform.
The goal of moozicore is to promote places, such as bars, snack bars, river centers and several different entertainment options, creating an individual social meeting for each consumer.
Moozicore can certainly develop places, such as bars, snack bars, exercise centers and several different entertainment options, creating individual social music for each consumer.
What is one of the variations concerning our administration is that it allows our customers to get access to a dynamic consumer meeting to attract open music, television shows, the Internet, most of life and achievements, ideal from mobile phones? shoppers use the universal Moozicore app to select ringtones, vote and play music, communicate with various bar visitors, share via network media over the Internet, and what is a distinctive feature of the survey.
Musikor believes that artisans and lyricists receive legal rewards for their efforts. For any organizations using our administration, obtaining licenses for execution from US rights protection organizations (ASCAP, BMI and SESAC) requested by Moozicore is significant.
Vote on upcoming songs and influence what is played next. 
Download Moozicore and get control over the music in your favorite place.
  • VOTING: on upcoming music to influence when it’s played
  • PICKING SONGS: from venue’s pre-approved library to be played next
  • ADDING SONGS: to current venue’s playlist at the end of the queue
  • SHARING SONG: plays on social media with photos and tagged friends
Moozicore Features

So for us it is simple and easy. We found an institution with “our” music genre next to us, headed there, “refueled” the application with tokens and enjoyed it. But why the owners of such a service?

First of all, it seems to an ordinary man in the street that the sphere of service is such a simple and easy business. He took, built a cafe, hired cooks and waiters and the business went. In fact, it all depends on the area, concept, menu, and many more factors. And not always, even if everything is thoroughly calculated, the income level of the institution meets the requirements of the owner.

Moozicore can easily redirect visitor flows to places that were not previously in demand . No, he can’t solve the problem of a bad cook and a diluted beer, but he can try to fix it and point out the most pressing problems. Without visitors, or rather, without their flow, it is very difficult to identify other problems.

Now, the owners do not have to steam with the concept. We bought sound equipment (if by some miracle it is not there), decided on the genre and go ahead - catch a new stream. Hold? Well, it's up to you. There you can adjust the concept and so on.

Don't know which genre to choose? Connect everything. Then you will see that your visitors prefer and decide with the genre. And maybe they will remain - an omnivorous musical institution, why not.

Another thing that it gives us in terms of marketing. To order a song or vote for the order, you need Moozicore tokens. A small part of the platform takes - most of us go into our pockets. What can we do about it? Sell ​​on the stock exchange - good. But why not make bonus hours, days when, in addition to lunch, our visitors will receive a pack of tokens as a gift ? Feel the power of marketing?

Well, here, I think, everything is quite clear, therefore, we proceed to the ICO project.

Blockchain is getting closer and music is no exception. Moozicore is a blockchain-based music streaming application that is out of focus. There may be times when you go to any party, festival, or recreational activity and you want a few moments on the way to play your favorite music in the music playlist. that opportunity. And now it's very possible if you use Moozicore

Following video reviews : 

MooziCoin Gold (MZG) is an ERC20 compliant utility token offered for usage in Moozicore Service. By utilizing MZG in Moozicore mobile app patrons transforms background music in venues into an interactive customer-sourced playlists.
  • TOTAL SUPPLY: 1 000 000 000 MZG
  • TOKEN SALE: 498 000 000 MZG
  • AMOUNT: 0,3 ETH
  • SOFT CAP: 100 000 000 MZG
  • HARD CAP: 498 000 000 MZG
Nov 26, 2018 – Dec 17, 2018
Price: 1 MZG = 0,00018 ETH
50% Discount from in-app price
Dec 17, 2018 – Jan 07, 2019
Price: 1 MZG = 0,00025 ETH
30% Discount from in-app price
Jan 07, 2019 – Jan 28, 2019
Price: 1 MZG = 0,00032 ETH
10% Discount from in-app price
4Q 2016: Moozicore concept created
1Q 2017: Market research
2Q 2017: Trademark registration
3Q 2017: „M” in best startup logos in 2017
Team Expansion
1Q 2018: Moozicore token preSale with Hard Cap reached!
2Q 2018: Platform development finish (HTML, iOS, Android)
3Q 2018: Platform beta testing starts
Moozicore website launch
4Q 2018: Moozicore token Public Sale
1Q 2019: Service licensing finish
Moozicore launch in USA
3Q 2019: Moozicore launch in Japan
1Q 2020: Moozicore launch in China
For more information please visit the link below:
Author: aizkicaumania
Bitcointalk profile:;u=1123133
My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Minggu, 17 Februari 2019

NODVIX - ist ein Ökosystem für die Verteilung von Medieninhalten zwischen allen Teilnehmern

Was ist NODVIX?

NODVIX ist eine 24-Stunden-Broadcasting-Plattform, die speziell für die Interessen der Nutzer interessante und relevante Videoinhalte anzeigen soll. NODVIX ist eine selbstregulierende Echtzeit-Plattform für Videoinhalte, die für alle offen ist und alle Grenzen des aktuellen Broadcast-Marktes von 1,7 Billionen US-Dollar überschreitet.

Wir bieten eine dezentrale Blockchain-Lösung, die die Welt des digitalen Rundfunks für Inhaltsgestalter, Werbetreibende und Zuschauer stark verändert. Das Fehlen von KYC, die staatliche Zensur und die Erleichterung des Zugangs für neue Ersteller von Inhalten schafft eine einzigartige Umgebung für echte Meinungsfreiheit. Werbetreibende profitieren vom Sponsoring von Inhalten, die für ihr Unternehmen relevant sind, und zahlen nur einen Bruchteil dessen, was der Markt verlangt.


NODVIX ist eine 24-Stunden-P2P-Übertragungsplattform für die Anzeige
interessanter und relevanter Videoinhalt, der für das unbegrenzte Interesse eines Nutzers spezifisch ist. NODVIX ist eine selbstregulierende, offen für alle Echtzeit-Video-Content-Plattformen, die die Einschränkungen des aktuellen Marktes minimieren soll.

Wir bieten eine dezentrale Blockchain-basierte Lösung, die die digitale Rundfunkwelt für Inhaltsersteller, Werbetreibende und Zuschauer grundlegend verändert. Das Fehlen von KYC, staatliche Zensur und die Erleichterung des Zugangs für neue Content-Macher schaffen ein einzigartiges Umfeld für echte Meinungsfreiheit. Werbetreibende profitieren vom Sponsoring von Inhalten, die für ihr Unternehmen relevant sind, und zahlen einen Bruchteil dessen, was der Markt aufgrund der traditionellen Netzwerke verlangt, die durchschnittlich 394.000 USD pro 30 Sekunden Medien verlangen.

NODVIX ist ein Ökosystem für die Verteilung von Medieninhalten zwischen allen seinen Teilnehmern, basierend auf der Peer-to-Peer-Internetnetzwerktechnologie (P2P). Dadurch können wir die Kosten für die Skalierung der Plattform senken und wesentliche Vorteile gegenüber den herkömmlichen zentralisierten Broadcast-Ressourcen und Media-Hosting bieten.

NODVIX ist eine selbstregulierende, Peer-to-Peer-, dezentrale und anonyme Medienplattform mit Open Source-Online-Rundfunk und verwendet seine eigene Kryptowährung als Zahlungsmittel für Dienste. Das Konzept des Projekts ist die kontinuierliche Ausstrahlung einer breiten Palette einzigartiger Medieninhalte: Von Musik bis hin zu populären Science-Shows, ohne Zensur oder Vorurteile, bei denen jeder Teil der Sendung werden kann. Medieninhalte werden über einen festen Zeitraum im dezentralen Torrent-Node-Netzwerk gespeichert und nach vordefinierten Bewertungen sortiert.

Wie es funktioniert?
Ein Benutzer erstellt oder lädt Inhalte (Musikvideo, Nachrichten, Filme oder alles, was eine Bildrate hat) auf die NODVIX-Plattform. Eine Torrent-Datei wird generiert und in die Torrent-Nodes hochgeladen. Die Datei enthält auch eine Brieftaschenadresse, an die Gewinne gesendet werden. Die Werbetreibenden wählen dann aus, welche Kategorie von Inhalten sie sponsern möchten. Diese Anzeigen werden von den Torrent-Nodes geprüft, bewertet, genehmigt und platziert. Der Inhalt wird basierend auf der Torrent-Nodes-Kategorisierung in einen von mehreren Kanälen platziert und an das NODVIX-Plattform-Netzwerk gesendet. Benutzer können auf der Plattform 24-Stunden-Inhalte anzeigen, je nach ihren Interessen und Vorlieben.
Basierend auf Erc20-Token, ist es für alle Kunden einfach zu verwenden und für die Steuerung von Zahlungstransaktionen und die Aktivierung des Torrent-Knotennetzwerks zu verwenden. Alle Werbetreibenden können NDVX-Token verwenden, um alle Anzeigen auf dem Kanal und dann zu bezahlen Alle Content-Entwickler erhalten mehr NDVX, indem Sie Ihre Inhalte hochladen.
• Token: NDVX 
• Preis: 0.000125 ETH 
• Plattform: Ethereum 
• ICO: 22. November 2018 
• ICO Ende: 9. Februar 2019 
• Weiche Kappe Pre ico: 50 ETH 
• Hardcap Pre ico: 1000 ETH 
• Sofia ICO: 1500 ETH 
• Hardcap ICO: 20000 ETH
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte den folgenden Link:
Urheber: aizkicaumania
Meine ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Sabtu, 16 Februari 2019

ALCEDO - schafft ein Ökosystem, das Blockchain implementiert


Grundsätzlich besteht das ALCEDO-System aus sechs Einzelelementen, die alle wirken können. Jeder Teil kann seine eigene Leistung erbringen. 
ALCEDO-Netzwerk (Netzwerk) 
ALCEDO-Point (Kaufen / Verkaufen / Tauschen auf dem Tisch) ALCEDO-KATM (Kryptomaschine) 
Die ALCEDO-Plattform enthält alle Funktionen, die zur Abwicklung jeder Kryptotransaktion erforderlich sind. ALCEDO-Ecosystem (Plattform) behandelt verschiedene Arten von Kryptomaschinen, Geldbörsen und Münzen. Aufgrund der Tendenz, diese Technik zu programmieren und zu entwickeln, können wir neue Optionen jederzeit schnell und einfach umsetzen. Wir haben die Tendenz, das System kontinuierlich zu verbessern, was den Fokus unseres Projekts darstellt.
Wir bieten unseren Krypto-Verkaufsautomaten (2-Wege) von Herstellern an, die gut denken (GeneralBytes, Lamassu). Durch die Integration der Maschine in die ALCEDO-Plattform können wir auch alternative Kryptomaschinen integrieren. Die Unabhängigkeit des Herstellers garantiert eine wirtschaftliche und effiziente Beziehung in unseren ALCEDO-Punkten. K-ATM wird mit speziell entwickelten API-Assoziationen betrieben (anders als andere). Daher haben wir die neuesten Krypto-Gebühren für Käufe und Kommerzialisierung. Wir haben die Tendenz, Kryptowährungen in Papierwährungen (Euro) umzuwandeln und umgekehrt.
Neben Krypto-Geldautomaten können Servicepunkte unseren Kunden mit Hilfe unseres Serviceteams helfen. Wir bieten unseren Kunden verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Kryptowährung außerhalb von Internet-Börsen einzukaufen und zu verkaufen, indem wir unsere Spezialisten von nichtöffentlichen Parteien vermitteln. Sie helfen auch bei der Verwendung des Geldautomaten und beantworten alle Fragen mit Verweisen auf Kryptowährung.
Das ALCEDO-Wallet 

ALCEDO-Wallet vereinfacht die Handhabung der Kryptowährung auf Smartphones erheblich. nur einer wird völlig andere Münzen senden und / oder empfangen. Wir bieten in frühen Bitcoin, Ethereum und daher ALCEDO-Coin an, diese verschiedenen Typen werden jedoch regelmäßig erweitert. d. Dieser Fall soll nahtlos mit unserer Crypto Engine und damit der ALCEDO-Plattform dargestellt werden.


ALCEDO-ALCEDO- Karten sind für die Hauptzeit mit NFC-Konstitutionschips ausgestattet und können an unseren Geldautomaten und POS-Terminals verwendet werden. Dadurch können Kunden Kryptowährung schnell und einfach kaufen und verkaufen. Darüber hinaus fördert es die Verbreitung und Akzeptanz von ALCEDO-Münzen und alternativer Kryptowährung.
ALCEDO-Münze ist eines der wichtigsten Elemente in allen assoziierten ALCEDO-Projekten, die zu Beginn der ICO als Ethereum ERC-20-Münzen gedacht sind. Natürlich können ALCEDO-Coins als zusätzliche Währung für ihre Verwendung im ALCEDO-System verwendet werden. Wir werden die ALCEDO-Münze im Herbst 2019 auf den Markt bringen.
Token: ALCEDO-Token 
Gesamt ALCEDO: Token100 000 000 ALCE Hardcap 
: 40 000 000 ALCE- 
Projektprotokoll: erster ERC20-Token 
Crowd-Verkauf: 1. Dezember 2018 
Zahlungsmethode: BTC, ETH, PayPal
Zuweisung von Token

Q2 / 2017 
ALCEDOs Gedanken waren geboren
Q3 / 2018 
Bereiten Sie die ICO vor und starten Sie sie
Q1 / 2019 
Entwickeln Sie ein Bargeldterminal für Crypto
Q4 / 2019 - Q1 / 2020 
Stellen Sie El-Cash-Terminal bereit und stellen Sie eine Verbindung mit Crypto-Kreditkarten her
Q / 2017 - Q2 / 2018 Gedanken entwickeln
Q4 / 2018 
Eröffnen Sie den ersten Laden mit einem Geldautomaten in der Nähe der Stadt, indem Sie die Gattung Alcedo am Geldautomaten einsetzen
Q1 / 2019 - Q3 / 2019 
Partnerschaften mit ALCEDOs überdenken und produzieren ALCE, die ausgetauscht werden sollen
Q4 / 2019 - Q1 / 2020 Start der Franchise
ALCEDO-Token-Struktur Nehmen 
Sie an unseren Token-Verkäufen teil. Wir akzeptieren normalerweise Token-Zahlungen.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte den folgenden Link:
Urheber: aizkicaumania
Meine ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c

Kamis, 07 Februari 2019

ALCEDO- Making cryptocurrencies available to everyone


About project

Alcedo platform are a German based company and offer a completed global eco-system even before the start of the ICO. The first ALCEDO-Point in Germany did already open. The next one is in the planning stages. The mission is simple: CREATE VALUES. ALCEDO-Points with the ALCEDO-Coin will spread very quickly throughout Germany. Also, they are in the process of integrating other partners into system in order to cover all of Europe. Get your share of real business and support us becoming the most successful eco-system worldwid.
Presently, there square measure roughly three,440 crypto-cash machines put in across the world, compared to approx. 3.5 million standard ATMs worldwide. Obviously, the unfold of crypto-ATMs remains at associate infancy stage. One reason can be the group action fees at Crypto-ATMs, that square measure 1-4% higher compared to the fees ordinarily charged. Evidently, there's a requirement to be met by providing individual customers a a lot of accessible, efficient, and reasonable answer to form transactions in crypto currencies and to maximise thenpotential of this transformational domain. 

What is Alcedo?

ALCEDO creates an ecosystem that implements blockchain technologies into everyday life. It makes crypto currencies accessible and usable for everybody around the world.
We are aiming at a widespread acceptance of ALCEDOs and other crypto-currencies. To achieve our goals, we’re starting to build a network of ALCEDO-Points.


The ALCEDO-Platform contains all functions necessary for handling any and every one crypto transactions. The ALCEDO-Ecosystem (platform) will handle different​ types of crypto machines, wallets, ​and coins. because of the actual fact that we have a tendency to programmed and developed this technique, we are able to implement new options quickly and simply, anytime. we have a tendency to incessantly improve the system, which represents a focus of our project.
We supply our crypto-vending machines (2-way) from well-thought-of makers (GeneralBytes, Lamassu). By integration the machines into the ALCEDO-Platform, we are able to additionally integrate alternative crypto machines. The independence from the makers guarantees associate degree economical and efficient trade at our ALCEDO-Points. The K-ATM’s run with a specially developed API association (different from anybody else) and therefore we have​ the most recent crypto costs for purchasing and commercialism. we have a tendency to additionally provide the exchange of cryptocurrencies​ in paper currency (Euro) and the other way around.

ALCEDO-Reward System
Our customers can benefit from greatly reduced fees by using our ALCEDO-Ecosystem.To speed up the distribution and thus the circulation of ALCEDO-Coins, the use of our platform via ALCEDO-Coins is more favorable. However, each customer is free to decide in which crypto currency he wants to pay fees.
Special Highlight ALCEDO-Flat
An important point for us is to provide our customers with a number of benefits by using the ALCEDO-Platform and ALCEDO-Coins. Every user who has 10 000 ALCE on the ALCEDO-Platform (web- or smartphone-app) will not have to pay any transaction fees when using our services. However, depending on the Coin (except ALCEDO-Coin) a certain network fee remains, which we can not refund. This waiver applies to any service of ALCEDO (including all ALCEDO-ATMs).
In addition to the crypto ATM’s, service points can assist our customers with the assistance of our service team. We’ll provide our customers the distinctive chance to shop for and sell cryptocurrencies​ outside of web exchanges and with the non-public facilitate of our specialists. they're going to additionally assist within the use of the ATM’s and answer all queries with reference to cryptocurrencies​.
The ALCEDO-Wallet drastically simplifies the handling of cryptocurrencies on the smartphone. terribly merely one will send and/or receive totally different coins. we provide at the beginning Bitcoin, Ethereum and therefore the ALCEDO-Coin, however, this assortment are going to be regularly​ expanded​d​. The case is intended to figure seamlessly with our crypto machines and therefore the ALCEDO-Platform.

Token: ALCEDO-Token
Total ALCEDO: Token100 000 000 ALCE
Hard-Cap: 40 000 000 ALCE
Project-Protocol: first ERC20-Token
Crowd-Sale: Dec 01, 2018
Means of Payment: BTC, ETH, PayPal
Token Allocations
Token Distribution
ALCEDO thought is born
Preparing and beginning ICO
Developing electronic-Cash Terminals for Crypto
Q4/2019 – Q1/2020
Spreading El-Cash-Terminals and connecting with own Crypto- Creditcards
Q /2017 – Q2/2018 Developing the thought
Open initial Store with money machines close to city implement genus Alcedo in money machines
Q1/2019 – Q3/2019
Partnership with ALCEDOs thought and produce up ALCE to exchange
Q4/2019 – Q1/2020 Begin Franchising
ALCEDO-Token Structure
Join our Token sale. we tend to settle for token payments.
For more information please visit the link below:
Author: aizkicaumania
Bitcointalk profile:;u=1123133
My ETH: 0xa2ed565D1177360C41181E9F4dB17d6c0100fD5c