The PayPie team is carefully leveraged by our CEO Nick Chandi, a 20-year experienced entrepreneur in the industry of accounting technology and a member of the forbes technology board. The team is fully structured with expertise including entrepreneurs, accountants, lawyers, engineers, developers with evidence of successful track record and expertise in technology, bank, finance, accounting, risk management and blockchain:
PayPie is the world's leading platform of decentralized (blockchain based) accounting.
Or it could be said the first blockchain-based risk assessment algorithm in the world. The risks involved in the financial sector have never been defeated until now and in most of the major industries of the financial sector are at the heart of risk scores analysis such as audits, credit insurance, and compliance.
Market risk scores for businesses are absorbed with differences and inconsistencies that create challenges for third parties to examine them.
PayPie paid campaigns take place from 9 October and will end on 15 november on the same day ICO is also terminated.
To join PayPie Crowdsale visit here
Signature Campaign: 250,000
Blog or article: 150,000 PPP
Social Media Campaign: 100,000 PPP
Translation Campaign: 70,000 PPP
Slack moderation: 30,000 PPP
Bounty Reserve: 1,250,000 PPP
Video campaigns: Video campaigns are shared with the highest budget of 450,000 PPP

If you have the ability to create and upload qualitative videos, you can join this campaign and get 1500 kbps for your video. Videos published with 10 minutes plus will get a 1500PPP token.
Do not copy someone else's video. Minimumlength video should be 2 minutes. You can use graphics from websites, announcement threads, facebook or twitter, whitepapers associated with the PayPie platform.
Participants must add an official website link link and an official whitepaper link in the description box.
Videos will only be accepted in selected languages, English, Chinese, Russian or Spanish. To prove that you are the person behind the video or video you need to add their profile link on their video.
Signature Campaign: The budget for the signature campaign is 250,000 PPP tokens.
payment will be on weekly basis. You must have jr forum members to join in the signature campaign. If you wear a paypie avatar you will be rewarded with 50 addditional bets.
participants must keep their signature or avatar until the end of the campaign. Must be 50 posts before the campaign ends. As a weekly based campaign you should create 5 posts each week to get qualified.
Blog or Article Campaign: 150,000 PPP tokens are decided to allocate in this campaign.
You can get 200 PPP per article or at least 20 PPP tokens with low market weight. Copy paste the article is not allowed, if the team finds you as a copy of your paster will be disqualified from the campaign regardless of you.
You can use graphics from authorized heads such as websites, ann threads, whitepapers or facebook. The article should have links from official sites, official whitepaper links, your profile links to prove ownership, and articles should have at least 500 words. You are not allowed to publish articles on more than 3 websites with a preimium domain.
You can publish 1 article about a domain or free platform
Social Media Campaigns: Three different gifts based on this campaign with a total of 100,000 PP tokens available.
Limited to 100 users to get participants. You must have atleast member rank to join. You have atleast 50 connections in your profile. Account must be older than 2 months.
No more than 400 participants are allowed to join. Particiapnts must have members in the BTT forum. Follow PayPie's official twitter and get 20PPP token. For more details please visit the official thread.
FaceBook: All rules are the same as twitter campaigns.
Translation Campaigns:
70,000 PPP tokens are available for this section. Translators can choose whitepaper translation, announcement thread for translation. You can also work as a moderator and will rewared with 10 PPP tokens per post. To join you must join a slack group.
For more details about Bounty Campaign please visit Official Bounty Thread.
Contact Me at BitCoinTalk Forum for help.
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