BurstIQ was established in 2015 with the aim of solving three fundamental challenges in the healthcare industr y:
Health data resides in silos, with little or no integration to other data sources,
HIPAA rules, though valuable and necessary, make it very difficult to combine and share data between people and organizations that need them efficiently, and greatly benefit them.
People often have limited access to their own data, and are often difficult to understand even though they can access it.
In the past two years, the BurstIQ platform has evolved into a full operational platform, with a stream of sustained revenue, several large business customers and hundreds of thousands of LifeGraphsTM.
Dalam 12 bulan pertama operasi, platform BurstIQ memproses 25 miliar data poin.
The BurstIQ platform leverages blockchain and machine technology to allow data from different sources to be collected together in one integrated data warehouse and can be shared quickly and easily while maintaining HIPAA compliance. However, the platform goes beyond simple health information exchange (HIE) or personal health records (PHR). BurstIQ has built an ecosystem where individuals can fully manage their data: they can share it or use it in exchange for access to products and services they are interested in. A platform where :
- Individuals can access all of their health data in one place, and control who sees it and how they can use it.
- Service providers can view their patients' full history, including outside meetings, prescription filling, and lifestyle information, and can eliminate the administrative burdens associated with medical record transfers.
- The health system can create a stronger decision support system using comprehensive data, AI and in-depth learning. Acquisition and retention of patients can be through targeted marketing services.
- Insurers and self-employed entrepreneurs can create personalized health plans based on in-depth knowledge and machine savvy, save costs, improve yields and increase productivity.
- Biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies can find participants with the best genomic, proteomic or medical profiles for their clinical trials and interact with them directly, eliminating administrative challenges and significantly reducing the risk of trials. In-market products can be marketed specifically to highly receptive audiences.
- Researchers can find and access the people and data they need to support their research, and collaborate with other researchers to explore new ideas.
- Digital healthcare companies can improve their product intelligence by deep learning and AI. Products can be marketed directly to the most receptive audience.
Over the past decade, people have seen health-related technological explosions, from personal health trackers, to low-cost genomic sequences, to public health management tools. Currently, data from this source is largely sealed - viewed and analyzed separately or using only cursory integration with other data sources.
The convergence of these data sources, effective data rights management and machine deployment will lead to a new era of health. One where health care is tailored to individuals based on their unique genomic, proteomic, medical, demographic, socioeconomic and social profile: their LifeGraph ™. This is the true vision of people-centric health.
This is the Singularity of Health

The data about you, what you do, how you feel, where you live, what you eat is the driving force behind people-centered health. Companies want to have it, researchers want to learn it, and every day, companies find new ways to gather more. Hackers know it's valuable too; 1 in 4 health-related security breaches, creating a multibillion-dollar black market for health data and the burden of multibillion-dollar economic remediation for healthcare providers. However, we as individuals can not do it, often do not understand it, and can not control who is using it.
At BurstIQ, we believe it's time to change this. We believe people should have their data and should be able to decide who sees it, when they can see it, and what they can do with it. We believe that instead of companies and hackers taking advantage of your data, you should be able to protect and benefit from your data.
That's why we created the BurstIQ Platform - a platform designed specifically for personnel centric revolutions. A platform for Singularity Health.
At BurstIQ, we believe
- You must have your data
- You must have access to all your data in one place
- You must be sure that your data is safe
- You should be able to trust and understand your data
- You should be able to control who accesses your data
- You should be able to help the community with your data
That is easy. Make the world a healthier place.
Empower people.
Set LifeGraphTM to everyone on the planet. Make it free, easy to access, easy to use and secure. Give individuals the power to own, understand, use, and share their health data.
Expand access to health
Make the latest health advances accessible to everyone. Establish an open market where new technologies, precision treatment services, clinical research studies and health benefits are available and adjusted intelligently with individuals based on their LifeGraph ™ profile. Enable individuals to control what they see and enable solution providers to target the right audience at the right time.
Get involved with the care provider
Facilitate the use of data to optimize clinical results and business operations. Minimize the effort needed to incorporate new technologies into practice and use advanced analysis to create personalized care plans, increase patient engagement and lower maintenance costs.
Enable research and discovery
Create an in-depth learning environment that continuously extends one's knowledge to improve its relevance and impact. Inspire new research, facilitate collaboration, and cultivate a fast-paced learning environment. Allows researchers to connect directly with the right participants, reducing the cost and time scale of academic and commercial research.
Keep authoritative records secure
Provide a framework for individuals and organizations to create secure, authoritative, and verified data sets. Provide market data where data owners can contribute or sell their data, and purchase other data, without compromising security or ownership rights.
The BurstIQ platform stores, manages, transfers and analyzes large and complex data sets by combining three core capabilities :
- an innovative approach to securing data through an expanded block construction,
- the management of complex data rights by using smart contracts and dynamic permissions, and
- engine intelligence to enable sustainable learning

Secure Data Grid
Securely managing, protecting and sharing large and complex data sets can not be done simply by opening the interface to an existing legacy system. Such "data warehouse" models can not manage complicated, secure and tracked data delivery, cross-system data integration, and a host of other important functions.
A truly universal health data platform must provide end-to-end data rights management, secure data storage, an indisputable chain of detention and advanced security techniques for that data. Maintaining individual privacy at all platform levels is essential.
BurstIQ's Secure Data Grid addresses specific data security, flexibility and cross-domain extended user data. This BurstIQ platform layer utilizes blockchain technology, data cloaking, sharding and encryption to securely manage objects and data stores. The data verification evidence is easy to share and direct access to data is easily provided with the platform layered security access model. Cloaking Data provides an additional layer of security that deploys and encrypts data packets in the node framework. Secure Data Grid uses an open source data management tool to ensure data access is non-current and can be operated.
Security: Data Connection, Sharding and Encryption
Traditional blockchain does nothing to protect data; all data on the chain is open and transparent. In the health context, this is a non-starter, as Protected Health Information (PHI) must be protected to comply with HIPAA requirements.
The BurstIQ Secure Data Grid is designed based on the fundamental principle that data at rest is risky data. It utilizes cryptographic and proprietary protection schemes to ensure that data is constantly moving and encrypted across multiple layers throughout the environment. Fractions of individuals are encrypted into secure data containers, and a multi-key management approach is used to protect against loss of information and maintain strict access control. Additionally, the patent-pending platform approach allows permissible access to encrypted information without requiring the typical processing overhead associated with data-at-rest protection methods. Data cloaking allows different levels of access to be provided through the temporal and physical domains, supporting some of the secure communities of interest. These elements provide security and dynamic approval capabilities in one platform.

Scalability & Real-Time Analysis
Scaling in traditional blockchains is already a problem. According to some experts, "the highest transaction throughput is effectively limited to the maximum block size divided by the block interval. ... Blockchain representatives today such as Bitcoin takes 10 minutes or more to confirm the transaction, reaching 7 transactions / seconds of maximum throughput. "1 This scale challenge is driven by two factors. First, traditional blockchain requires proof of work by unreliable nodes before a block is placed into a chain. This latency type (on a minute scale) is a high throughput data memory retarder. Secondly, traditional block data is stored as a raw file on disk.
Although this approach is helpful for portability, it makes finding any irreplaceable data. The only natively available search mechanism is a file system search for basic string matching (grep); there is no support for complex Boolean algebra, organizing GIS-based operations or queries.
The health industry contributes about 153 exabytes of data by 2013, and the number is expected to rise to 2,314 exabytes by 2020
BurstIQ's BurstChainTM technology addresses both of these limitations. First, by replacing the traditional evidence-working mechanism with a voting paradigm between the trusted node and the consensus model in the persistence layer, the latency is reduced to sub-seconds. This platform provides data input and a frictionless access layer that supports multiple interfaces (FHIR, HL7, XML, EDI, X12, JSON, CSV, XLSX and others) and has support for multiple transports (HTTPS, SFTP, Queue, Stream, WebSocket and other). Data can be received from multiple data sources (eg, streaming, IoT and others).
To address search capabilities, BurstChainTM includes an intelligent abstraction layer that supports multiple persistent data stores: NoSQL-based blockchain protocols, industry-standard blocking protocols, DB graphics, traditional RDBMS, and NoSQL machines. This unique architecture enables high throughput scalability and almost real-time search, both of which are critical to support large amounts of data generated by the healthcare industry.
In the first 12 months of operation, the BurstIQ platform processes 25 billion data points.
Inability & Audit Ability
Traditional databases do not have the native ability to preserve changes over time to a set of data. Techniques have been developed to provide a historical view, but no journal and empowerment is prohibited from blockchain journals.
BurstChainTM is a permissible blockchain that ensures incompetence and audit capabilities through smart on-chain contracts, timer based events, and on-chain analysis. A smart contract can be written with a view to creating new assets, transferring assets, and updating assets. When data owners update their assets, the platform can keep track of changes and only allow the current version to be used in the platform. This allows the platform to perform two important functions: updating assets without breaking immutability, and providing a trail of audited transactions on assets.
Rights Data Management / Ownership
In the BurstIQ platform, asset ownership is strictly enforced. Data is only available through implicit access through proprietary definitions at the data object level or explicit access via User Contracts made by the owner.
To achieve this, BurstChainTM uses Verified data elements built on the Self-Aware Data Object model. The self-aware data object model combines core data with ownership and use of profiles that drive data relationships. Using this approach allows BurstChainTM to grant access and implicit privileges to data elements via the data element itself and not through tables or databases.
These features, from security mechanisms to scale and Big Data analysis, to conservation and auditing capabilities, to sophisticated data rights management, all BurstIQ Secure Data Grid positions as the only solution that meets the unique needs of the healthcare industry.


More information please visit, here
Author : (aizkicaumania)
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