this time we will introduce the latest project with good concept and also good structure, here we will explain some understandable reviews, to be more familiar with the latest projects especially the Zeus project.
Zeus is a new concept that is implemented on a basis that is on the recycling of garbage from various garbage from various places or from various development that can produce electricity, from various waste management so that can be utilized for useful activity like mining in world.
Zeus provides assurance on the development and also improvement of hygiene and care which Zeus offers a method of recycling so that garbage bins around the world can be utilized for useful things and can also be used for resources or in the latest technological improvements .
Various problems that often occur due to garbage scattered and also piled in the world less will understand the benefits in the understanding of waste, because in this world the problem will be garbage can give things like disaster because of scattered rubbish, garbage clogged in the ditch and also the pile of rubbish that makes the landslide, and this is a problem that needs to have its empowerment in waste maintenance, and in this case Zeus will provide an understanding that is using waste recycling process that generates electricity that is beneficial to the life of the world.
The vision of Zeus itself is to create a clean peaceful life and also to improve the economy for life, this appreciation is good, because at this time there is a need to recycle garbage to waste garbage in the world is slightly decreased and electrical energy is increasing.

1. Creating a clean and free world environment
2. Create a better economy in the present and also the future
3. Reduce the impact of disasters caused by garbage
4. Improving the energy supply of electricity supply better in the future and the future.
Activities Crowdsale Zeus:
Pre ico starts on 01 October 2017
For registration please here https://ico.zeus-token.io/register
TOTAL token to be released is 58,000,000 Zeus
15% token will be distributed to Team
2% token will be distributed to Bounty campaign
49.3 million will be distributed to investors
1,000,000 for preico activities
Bonuses that can be obtained :
at the time of pre ico 1,000,000 Zeus at a price of 0.5 euros per token
at ico 1-7 days 5,000,000 zeus at a price of 0.7 euros per token
at ico 8-14 days 10,000,000 zeus at a price of 0.8 euros per token
at ico 15-22 days 15,000,000 zeus at a price of 0.85 euros per token
at ico 23- 29 days 19.300.000 zeus at a price of 0.9 euros per token
Details of all team Zeus:
- Alexander Pilipenko CEO
- Boleslav Voytsekshovsky Head Of CryptoCurrency Mining Directions
- Irina Prokhorova CFO
- Erki Casar Project Lawyer
- Josef Braun CTO
- Baev Sergey Escrow
- Alexey Karasev CBO Project Development Director
- Alexander Chochia Escrow
More information about Zeus:
Website: http://zeus-token.io/eng/
WhitePaper: http://zeus-token.io/eng/whitepaper.pdf
Bounty campaign: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2216192.0
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Cg9KDwhfwYZgztRVemWnwQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zeusminingofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/info_zeusteam
Slack: https://zeus-official.slack.com/
Author : (aizkicaumania)
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